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Destination: city next to THE SLUMBS
Population: 2.5 billion
Status: alive

Narrator POV
As we see a busy city that has people going to work and getting coffee at the infamous Starbucks we see a van that is speeding through the city's streets being chased by police. "Hey Dallas we need to break away from these cops!" "I FUCKING KNOW Y/N!" As these two people that are arguing don't notice a swat van coming from the right side of the street they were driving by and the swat truck hits the van making the van crash into a store that has some civilians in it. As the 2 people now known as Dallas and y/n get out of the car with a briefcase that has a a lock on it.

As I put the brief case on my wrist while wielding my fully automatic dual wield Glocks with a 50 round drum mag and suppressor on the Glocks with a writing on the mags saying 'the glockinators'
"Dallas we maybe needed jacket for this mission!" "No we don't-!" As Dallas is then shit in the head by a sniper and dropping down to the floor though not dead as we haven't killed anybody they have only blanks but these are a lot more dangerous than regular blanks as they have enough power to go through even our light armor we are wearing. "Ahhh I need a medic bag!" "Shut the fuck up Dallas!" As I then pull out a medic bag and jab him with an adrenaline pen making sure he is still in the fight. We quickly enter the building and as soon we do, we take hostages of the stores people in here and we start to go through their pockets making sure they have something we can use to get away as with car keys. After some time I found a car key with the person's id saying 'worker of JCJhenson in space incorporate' with another card saying level 3 access...whatever that means we take him outside and instruct us to where his car is and finally find it as the police then enter the building not even checking the back of the building Incase we were escaping which we were but I'm not complaining. As we got in the trunk that was somehow spacious for us two. One in their late 20's and me with 16 years old we, we then heard the car crank and soon we heard the car drive off away from. The police as their sirens started to fade. After what felt like an hour we were finally able to get out of the trunk which wasn't spacious but was able to fit me and Dallas in there so still not complaining, we then 'reason' with the person and knocked him out as i rum his sockets and found out he was stacked as he had a brick that was somehow hidden from plane sight in his shoes and pockets. I split it with Dallas and we get in the car for as Dallas actually having driving lessons he drove but that was before we first removed our disguises and put on new clothes over the ones we are wearing as we were late to the meeting or in this case my college exam and knew for sure I will have to bribe the teach again with money as for not dropping my grade. After sometime we got to our 'home' which was just a rundown house on the outside but was
Like that of a rich person on the inside. As soon as we stepped inside the house we were introduced by our maid robot named Jay for short for Jayden but people just call her just the letter J for some unknown reason. "Hey J/Jay how you've been/doing?" Me and Dallas said making the drone confused before figuring out what we both had said "oh..well we now have a new person named Tessa that wants to join the payday...what ever that is?" We immediately remember that my exams for school starts within 10 minuts so without hesitation I asked Jay "hey Jay can you help me choose a suit for me to wear? I need a good looking suit for school?." I said hopping she forgotten about the suit she saw me in this morning for our 'job' we had. "What about the suit you were wearing this morning?....what happened to that?" (Fuck she didn't forget!!!!) I knew it was either now or later that shw would catch on so I did something out of desperation to make her not question me and that somehow worked "oh so you were eyeing me like candy this mrning hmm?" Oh I wish I could have said something else because what had happened next was the most embarrassing thing that happened to me Infront of one of my dad's employees to the payday gang with me secretly going on these missions with the payday gang
Behind my dad's back and boy would I be in trouble if pa found out. "Wh-what?! No No No I didn't do anything like that!"
She had said while....blushing?...Like a mad man meaning she was eyeing me like I was eye candy! "What the fuck J! That's fucking y/n were talking about and you just confess to having a crush on him!?" Dallas said making the situation worse as Jay then just powered of as I was left dumbfounded at what just happened like sure at school the girls view me as eye candy....but a robot!? That just made me even more confused
As weren't robots only able to reproduce with another robot by literally putting a cord in their head and coming together to make a body for their baby, like how they look? "Ok...I'm very confused here Dallas"
"Ahh don't worry y/n...or should I say the j-ker of women?'s not funny I know." As Dallas said that I was ready to knock his fucking life out "your gonna need an ambulance Dallas!" As I then k.o his ass, and he doesn't wake up. (Ok now time to-) as I then pick up Dallas and start to drag him to the basement of punishment.

Narrator POV
As the screen fades to black and reopens to a new surrounding with you...y/n waking up in a broken down shack. Y/n was wearing a slightly ripped flak jacket with a white shirt on with blue kacky pants with socks and shoes. You also have a similar type of gloves on the mirror's edge videogame. As soon as you wake up you quickly get up on your feet and start to stretch. *Yawn* as you yawn there is a faint noise coming from the metal door that is holding you inside the room and whatever's out there. "Ok...time for a scavenge hunt....fuck It" as y/n then grabs a pistol that looks ahead of it's time "ok with my now newly made energy blaster pistol....I should at least pack sum regular ammo though because this takes a bitch to reload from over heating." As y/n then walks over to the desk that was right across from where you woke up and stretched, as soon you got close the cabinet was opened by you as you pick up a mag or 2 before pulling back from the opened desk and start to walk to the door that has somehow seem to be shaking "oh shit" as their is then a rumble sound that started to be heard from all around y/n before suddenly going quiet. Y/n is then near the door looking around until the door swung open abruptly hitting him and sent him 'flying'across the floor almost reaching halfway of the room. As y/n gets up and looks at the door that is now busted down it is shown their is what seems to be a figure standing at the doorway that looks like it only has mouth and teeth as it's body blends in with the blackness of the hallway. You pull out you energy pistol and aim it at the figure in the doorway
"Get! the fuck! away!" You said as you then fire a shot at the figure and it hits it's shoulder before running out from the room as it hurt the figure as there was then a hole in its eye before leaving the room as you quickly run after it after so many years of running from them you finally had an opportunity to attack and probly even kill them.

As everything fades to black as a miniature you and figure run through the hallways with you holding you energy pistol.

"You see, reader. What I'm going to do is not worth the risk Of you dying just yet. Let this be the warning of the angel that will free you from your prison and cleanse the world making you all my...angels-"
"Hey what the fuck are you doing here???"
As the angel then turns to me and sees nothing but an error sign
"You're not hear to narrate my fucking story! get the fuck out!" As I whip out my bonk stick and bonk him making the angel disappear from the empty void
"Ok with him gone now even though that bitch kinda said something this will be sent out at around 12:00 right before Wednesday starts so yeah theirs that also what is this 'figure' in all black and who the fuck was narrating my job when I was on my break? Only time will tell so see ya next time on the Boyz ball z."
[Authors note]
Also has  words and have a good day/night where ever you are at reading this also for people that don't speak/under stand Russian I will be putting a [/] after this is out so you know what either doll or you are going to say in both books. I just wanted for it to be in Russian and nothing else as how would anybody know what yeva and y/n was talking about if only y/n was taught Russian from his prisoner inmates before the bomb. Also for the drones in both series they will have parts added to them but in this one that is what happened and in the other one they already have them 'installed' so that is how they are able to reproduce with humans as they thought of them as nothing more than slaves and sometimes sex machines.
just wanted to let y'all know as you might not want to just fuck a robot that is only metal/soft so theirs that also their height ar going to be completely different as Uzi is 5'6 doll is 6 feet V, J, and N are around 7feet and any other drones are around 5'8 to 6'4 and babys start at around 2 feet tall when born so now that is covered have fun reading these series that I will make.
Words putten in here 1890 so have fun and see y'all my lovely viewers/readers next time I post another chapter.

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