chapter 1: Messiah also canceled at the end of this book

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"Hello there #@ you need to wakkkkkkkkkk-" I immediately woke up dripping sweat of fear and to that strange dream........I've been having it ever since I turned 17......I heard from multiple psychologists that it's just my fear of......something? related to the Lord but, I know something isn't right.

I look to my left to see the clock ticking away as it states 7:15...."shit" I then get up still groggy but manageable for me, and head into the bathroom that is crossed by my bed I was sleeping on. Upon entering the bathroom and looking at the mirror I saw for a quick second something......something right behind me but not their, "haaa......I need to take my pills again" I reach to the mirror pulling it from the left side and showing plenty of pills and medical equipment. "Anxiety pills anxiety pills...gotcha" after turning bottles of pills to the side to read I read the one I was looking for, ;lorazepam;
I popped the cap and shakes two capsule sized pills into my hand before popping them in my mouth and swallowing. Upon exiting the bathroom I didn't see that on the mirror a 'me' was smiling widely to an un-human extent. I reached back to my bed and looked at the clock again to find it said 7:25 "ok let's see here.....a regular heist time goes around 30 45 minute and college doesn't start until
Around 9:30 soooo...mmmmm, fuck it I'll call Dallas and get him to set up a mission just for the two of us." I grab a Nokia phone xl from my nightstand and type in Dallas's number to call him. "Come on pick up you damn reptilian"
After some time and a couple of calles later Dallas answers the phone. "Fuckin Finally didn't answer my other 5 fuckin calls"
"Let me guess" Dallas says interrupting me. "You have spare time to do a heist before going to college for this week?"
"Ye-" Dallas cuts me off again for the second time. "Well your in luck because I just Soo happened to need money for a special present that's for my wife so, your comin bank heisting with me.....pack your shit I'm outside in the van by the way!" He hangs up on me leaving me fuming at this idiocy that I call human. After restablinh myself I grab a bookbag that has all my equipment and Start to hear outside for the van before my servant drone I named Jay had appeared Infront of me.
"Holy-!" I jumped back a little with my hands up, "hello y/n....I thought I was going to need to drag you out of bed again." She said with a smile which creeped me out but kept my cool and lowered my gaurds. "Anyways hear is a suit with black khakis that can go on top of your regular clothing." She handed me two clear bags containg my 'school uniform' for college "thanks Jay....I'll see you later" I walked out of the building during that and saw the van just right outside the gate. Apon going past the gate using the key card I was given from in peace pa, I slid the door to the side throwing my equipment bag in before grabbing a mask that was next to dallases equipment bag. I put it on as I enter it and sliding the door back until it clicked.

Narrator POV
Dallas looks back and starts to reverse the car making sure not to hit anything expensive. After some time he put it in drive and started heading to Johnson's bank of America that was a mile away from y/n's home with his new father but was never home, as he valued work over children's health and whatever benefited himself. He never said his real name but told them an alibi name that was John Ferguson. (He never told his true name)
Y/n's mother never cared about his name but y/n on the other hand was....he acted.... hospitality to his 'family' trying to only help the mother and not the son
Y/n. After Dallas had parked the van in the alleyway and had his lightweight armor on y/n also had said armor on. Dallas picks up his mask and puts it on. After both of them were ready they stormed the bank and now they have started the heist.
Y/n has a m1 grand in his hands aiming it at the bank teller while Dallas holding a lever action shotgun and telling people to get down on the ground. Their sidearms located in their
pockets/bookbags. After the bankteller had gotten most of the money she could get from the boxes, she tried to reach for the 'panic' button that was under the counter but was stopped as y/n stuck his hand from the small hole and grabbed said bank tellers hand to not press the button as the m1 grand is pointed at her from the other side of the class.
/Let's skip to when they are leaving.
BTW while you and Dallas was collecting money said girl has pressed the button and cops/swat had arrived with their captain nick named captain winters because of both his position and how cold he is to both personal and criminals./
"Ok Y/N! We need to go the cops are here!" Dallas then starts to run through the crowd of cops as he has a civilian in his grasp as he has his shotgun pointed under his chin, and after he released said guy he made a mad dash to the van and cranked it up as he started to drive recklessly and hit cop cars with policemen in them but not hurting said cops but just pushing said cars away from the entrance as y/n comes out with a hostage with a knife close to her neck.
She is then shoved when y/n had opened the car door sliding it back seeing two Glocks that have a circular drum mag in it with a laser dot underneath it with a old fashioned silencer from the 1980's on them. He throws in the bag full of money before hopping in and closing the door last second before Dallas stomped on the pedal and speeding up as he crashed through two cop cars that were blocking the one way street. "Dallas give me your desert eagle!" Y/n said as he reached up the middle console of with a 'hand me it' it's motion of his hand while Dallas digs with his right hand in his pocket to give y/n the gun until it dropped right next to the petal. "Shit....just use your Glocks!" "Fine then but if your van gets bullet holes in them don't fucking say shit to me asshole!" As y/n then suddenly opens a bookbag that was next to the bag of money. Upon opening it showed the two Glocks with a circular magazine, he grabs both of them and hold them in an x style before aiming it at the back door of the van. Kicking the door open Y/n could see three cop cars giving chase, "eat lead mother fu-" *brrrrrt* as the two Glocks then unleash a bullet hellstorm upon the three cop cars that weren't expecting it either damaging or hurting the vehicle in some way.
Y/n close back the door in the van and reload his Glocks magazines making sure that Incase they get into a fire fight they wouldn't have to reload their guns mid gun fight.

Random police officer POV
"Hey sir....yes they are heading east bound on road pittsburn you should be able to get the specialist in the swat-....oh ok welp it's only me and my crew back here so I'ma drop of Thomas so he can get a good shot on them...ok see ya their 'winter'." I then slow down the car to let Thomas out so he can have a good view on the criminals until we later saw them crash into a store from what I presumed was winter but it was the Mexican bulldozer "ah shit...looks like we ain't getting the bonuses in our paychecks boys...let's just let him have it and I repeat do not try to take them or you will get bitch slapped by that machine gun he has ok....ok"
/Hopefully none of you are thinking this is racist in any way as the Mexican bulldozer comes from therussianbadgers video of payday 2 and I also need him later in this series and other so be on the lookout for him/
"¡Es hora de dejar paso... a la topadora!"
"It's time to make way... For the dozer!"
The 'bulldozer' said after he kicked down the back of the swat van's door as it slides across the street making an awful sound before it reaches a man with a long neck that is inhuman to anything that is living.

??????? POV
As I look down at my 'children' I can sense the sins of lust....greed....sloth.....and.....hmmm? Hatred.....yes keep feeding me these negative energies....they will be your downfall poor mortals....
Don't think I don't know you....reader I know you're dying to know who I am, well I can't say yet but know one thing
You can call me Gabriel and you won't see the last of me so keep sitting down reading this....fanfiction made from this supposed 'god' you all refer to as Lizzy and know use 'angels' are coming to take you and liberat your sins as God will intend to.....ho-
/Ok mother fucker I let you ramble on long enough now shut the fuck up before I get this GOD to strike you down!/
Oh welp looks like the 'creator'is here.....welp I wi-
/Ok that's it .... Come here you piece of shit..... maybe this is what you needed to keep your ass in place and stop you from continuing to destroy the 4th wall because I got a can of whoopass that has your name on it!/
Try me bi- was all I could say before we started to tussle and some how it was not looking good for me as my wings where starting to look like they were deformed

As the screen fades to black as a chibi white person named the author it bearing the angel Gabriels ass with a can that says "a can of whoopass".

Hello their people that are reading this due to a lack of motivation this series will be cancelled and anybody wanting to take this and use it for better or for worse you can take this book.....I will not be returning to this book and will be only working on one book at a time also after I get to episode 6 of muder drones on the other series I will have that one completed and will work on the one that im developing so hopefully you liked this as I had fun writing this book and hope you had fun only reading the first half chapter of chapter 1 as once this is out this will be it now more creating anything for this and I'm sorry to people that had liked it even with the sneak peeks of this series that was going to go far but motivation was not on my side so have a nice day and have a safe life(×)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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