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I was numb. Scratch that, I was terrified and freezing.

A gasp ripped through me as my body jolted up. Choking on the liquid in my mouth I tried to make sense of my surroundings.

Eyes darting frantically I could make out some sort of metal cage that contained some boxes and... me.

Wait no. It wasn't a cage. It was an elevator.

An alarm started blaring and I shoved my hands over my ears trying to block out the god-forbidden deafening sound.

My breaths came out shallow and short as I tried to recall how I got here or any information at all, and that was when panic started to settle in.

I couldn't remember anything.

Not even my name.


Now filled with panic and confusion I tried standing up only to be knocked back down by the force of the elevator stopping.

Not knowing what I would face I tried searching for some sort of protection. A sharp pain shot through me as my hand was scuffed against a sharp object. 

"Shit," I murmured but eventually took hold of the object as I scurried over to the corner of the elevator trying my best to blend into the shadows.

It was quiet for a moment. The alarm stopped blaring and I was afraid of being left alone with my thoughts.

Where am I? Who am I?

Out of nowhere, the roof of the elevator cracked open allowing sunlight to seep through. I winced at the intensity of the light that attacked my eyes. It took a while but eventually, they adjusted to the light.

Voices filled my ears and my panic started to rise even more.

They're all male voices.

Fuck they're gonna rape me and then kill me. Wait what if they're cannibals? Shit, maybe they have a biting kink.

"That shank needs a haircut."

"Why is he so skinny."

"He looks like a slopper to me."

Despite the dangers, I just had the urge to put a face to these voices. Looking up, a collection of gasps spread out.

"Holy shuck it's a girl!"

"Is she hot?"

"What's a girl supposed to do."

"I call dibs!"


My head spun at the overlapping voices and hearing the boys talking about me like I was some sort of prize didn't help with my panic. Keeping a tight hold on what I found out was a knife, I jumped up letting my weight fall onto the wall behind me.

A boy with weird-looking eyebrows jumped in while extending an arm toward me.

"Hey come on out-"

Not listening to another word, I shoved his arm away and started making my way out of the box. My vision blurred when I stood up on the solid ground and multiple arms started to touch me.


Pushing myself out of the crowd that formed I was frozen at the sight of four giant walls and a field of grass but a hand on my shoulder shocked me back into reality.

Pointing the knife at the group of boys I tried my best to look intimidating.

"Don't come near me."

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