kanyakul and gurukul days 💖

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It has been 2 years subhadra was in kanyakul .

Subhadra has became everyone's favourite in kanyakul. She was become good in everything she was favorite of gurumata.

She was playing with friends dushala come and said "gurumata call us ".

All went to gurumata.

Gurumata start to explain about dharma and teach them veena suitar and many musical instruments. All learn it.

Subhadra became best veena player in kanyakul.

Subhadra was sitting near river bank lost in her own thought. Dushala came and said" What happened you are sitting alone ".

Subhadra said" I miss my family".

Dushala said"me too".

Subhadra said"come let's go to room ".

They both goes to room and starr to talk with each other.

In gurukul

Nakul was teasing bheem because bheem was eating ladoos and bheem was angry yuddister was calming bheem sahdev was sitting there to stop nakul.

Arjun and gada were river bank practicing.

Arjun shoot perfectly. Gada said"you will became a great archery in arayavat".

Arjun said"yes I have to became it ".

Gada said" Why".

Arjun said"I promise someone".

Gada said"who is the girl".

Arjun said"how do you know it is girl".

Gada aaid"I just guess so what is her name".

Arjun said"I will tell you when we became great archery in world".

Gada nodded.

Arjun said"let go to guru ".

All were standing in front of guru dev.

Dronacharya said to Arjun to shoot arrow to aim.

Arjun shoot a arrow but suddenly boy came in middle and it was about to harm him but a kavach appeared from his body and it save him. All were shocked.

Dronacharya ask" who are you".

The boy came toward dronacharya and said"I am karna son of aadhirat I want to learn archery from you".

Dronacharya said"you are sut and sut can't get knowledge of weapons. "

Arjun said"but gurudev why they can't learn they are also human".

Dronacharya said"but he is suta".

Karna said"why sut are also human why can't learn archery. "

Dronacharya said"because you are sut and I promise Arjun thay i will make him great archery in world ".pointing towards arjun.

Karna look at arjun and then to dronacharya and said" I will became world great archer in world and more better than him (pointing towards Arjun) I will take knowledge from Pashauram ".

And karna left angrily. Arjun look at his fading figure.

To be continued.

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