[FINAL] Chapter 15 - This is NOT your moment

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The noise of revving engines echoed vastly throughout the never ending space of Quanta.

How long had they been traveling?

No one knew.

Alyona was placed in the back seat, Bronya drove, and Wendy followed while flying and it seemed that she had quite a hard time catching up even though Bronya had made sure she lowered Project Bunny's speed. And as a responsible the older sibling while driving she made sure to put a strap on the younger sibling to keep them safe.

Meeting her here was not just a coincidence. What exactly was she thinking? Bronya at least had some abilities that could help her survive in this space, her ingenuity and let's not forgetting the fact that she used to work as an assassin proved to be very helpful in any critical situation, plus the companion that had long accompanied her since way back then. The Project Bunny... Also a gift from someone very, very precious in her life.

"So, how did Alyona end up here?"

A question that came out of the blue but was also expected. Why was she here anyway? To play the hero who always saves the day at the end?

No, she was just a naive kid who didn't know any better, she was still 17 and a He... She died in her previous life and hadn't got the chance to see how real world works after wasting her whole life inside her bedroom room ever since her sister died.

Alyona was just looking for her purpose rather than being a burden to everyone. And in the end, she just made things worse... She was well aware that with her being here or not won't affect the main Honkai plot. Unless she tried hard enough... But doing a simple change itself can already do a greater impact for the future. What if the Herrscher of the end awakened earlier than expected? What if Kiana never managed to survive from having two cores embedded in her?

The butterfly effect acts like a ticking time bomb.

"...I... I jumped into the deep end."

Alyona said while biting the tip of her lips. She didn't think twice before jumping into a realm that was only a glint in her eye when she first came to this world.

"The Bronya already know that. Why is Alyona here?"

"I was just... Worried..." What a dumb execuse.

"The Bronya apprecates that, but isn't the thing Alyona just did is really risky?"

"It's no different from what you're doing..."

Bronya just cast her eyes and said no words. Wendy just watches as the pair of twins were having series of arguments, she thought that it would be rude to barging in into their private conversations.

Just as they were about to reach the next island. A strong ferocious wind blocked their eyesights as dust and dozens of glowing cubes surrounds them.

They arrived in the middle of a magnificent cityscape at night. A skyscraper piercing through the clouds in the middle, hundreds more buildings around it, many projection boards, an elevated train transit system full of passengers. even in the midst of the dark sky, this city always seemed to be bustling and never seemed to sleep.

Shenzou, Arc City?

Another reality?

Bronya then remembered what Joachim said to her before "this world can manifest your innermost desires and thoughts" but she never wishes to see this view... She just wanted her old friend.

As she looked back, she found Alyona was missing and Wendy was nowhere to be found. Could it be that this was Alyona's most deepest desire? She could vividly remember that Alyona occasionally mutters something about Shenzou and Home as if those two things were related towards eachother.

"This isn't her time yet"


Bronya looked around to find the source from the voice. But there was nothing out of the ordinary around the quanta. But her sister's sudden disappearance must've had something to do with this voice.



* * *

Alyona Stirred awake from her sleep. Sleep? When did i even fall asleep? She thought. Observing her surroundings she felt really familiar with this room. A few anime posters lay on the floor and an action figure on her desk(?) next to an outdated computer. There was a pile of books underneath the desk.

There's no mistaking it anymore. This was her room. The room when she was still a prefectly healthy young boy in 'his' early 17. She don't know what to react...

An overwhelming nostalgia swept through the her heart, it felt like a long-lost fragment of herself had finally returned to her grasp. It was quite a pleasant feeling... But somehow, it was also quite painful. She was already aware of the consequences of the reincarnation she wanted... It was too late for all that now...


Continue observibg the room... there also seens to be a mix of items she didn't know about, a big round object that's about twice the size of her head covered under a thick layer of clothing, and a really large monitor behind it. Her memories were kinda fuzzy right now but she's really sure she never had those things.

Lifting up the covering, she was greeted with a view lf a drone above of some sort of a charging station. But what puzzled her was, what had happened to put her in this confusing situation again? She hoped it won't be another dead Bronya...

Wait, she was technically still a 'Bronya' just given a new name.

Questions began to arise in her mind. Could this be the desire of this body? She could vaguely remember that the Quanta could show the deepest desire within but wouldn't that mean that the previous one was also her deepest desire? But why the scene of Bronya's death?

Was it her desire to save Bronya or was it just a selfish desire that wanted herself to be strong in order to save everyone or at least change the path of their destiny to a better one than before.

These questions weighed heavily on her head. And she wanted it all to be over soon, at least about almost a decade from now because Honkai wouldn't end for another few years.

Then the door opened and a girl with blonde hair and violet eyes shone before her. The girl cried when she saw her. "I'm sorry..." The girl said as she simultaneously closed the door which startled her in the process.

But... There's something more strange than having her standing in this room.

Why? How? And what for?

It was at that moment that she noticed the tip of her finger slowly being swayed by the wind like sand. Particle by particle. Her breathings were getting more ragged than ever.

All of a sudden her body began to crumble like sand and the next thing she know that there was someone ahead of her. That person bore no other atribute than having the lightest and shinies materials used to mantain their preservation.

With the flick of the figure's finger. Alyona's mind went blank and all she sees are complete darkness...

Thus the one individual named Alyona Zaychick was erased from the Reality...

Encrypted Bunny Prototype 𝛂Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon