Important Update

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Good morning, evening, or whatever time of day it is where you are!

I'm coming to you with some unfortunate news that I hope can be understood—

Tranquility hasn't been updated for some time now; and if you've noticed I deleted any chapters published after the prologue.

To start, I will be continuing this story.

Now, for the bad news.

After re-reading, again and again, chapters one through three, I got stuck. Drafting chapter four, I realized the storyline I had set up and what I had written did not feel full to me. Lots of missing key parts in Iris' character that I wanted to capture. Especially for the plot.

So, that being said.

Chapters one through three will be rewritten with lots of changed/edited scenes and added ones as well. This is a story I loved drafting and I hope that you stay around to see the final project:)

Thank you for understanding,

And I'll see you very soon with revamped chapter one:)

Love always, A

tranquility || jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now