Chapter 9

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After spending a couple more days in the hospital, Seulgi was finally discharged. Though she was weaker on her feet than she had been, occasionally having to sit down due to feeling overwhelmingly dizzy, she and the others were planning on going to the beach.

Back at Yeri's apartment, the two girls got ready to go out.

"Have you put on suncream yet?" The younger turned to look at her friend who was looking in the mirror touching up her hair black locks.

"Not yet dumbass, I haven't even put on makeup."

Truth be told, Seulgi was putting it off as she didn't know how to do it. Previously, when they went to the nightclub, Yeri had done it for her but this time she was on her own. She peered into the makeup bag that sat in her lap; it was an endless void filled with various lipsticks, eyeshadows and concealers.

"Well remember to, Seul. It's important to protect your skin while you're young you know!"

"Whatever," she replied, returning to pondering over the makeup.

"Not you giving me attitude girl," Yeri joked but Seulgi looked up concerned.

"I-im sorry, I'll do it now"

"No no no wait! I didn't mean it like that Seulgi, I was joking."


"Hey," Yeri went over to crouch by the older's side, taking her hands into her own, "It's ok, don't worry."

Seulgi slowly nodded her head.

"U-um Yeri"

"Mhm," she said while keeping her focus on doing her eyeliner.

"I don't know how to do makeup..."

"WHAT OMG. I mean... Why didn't you tell me sooner?? Come here and watch me and then I'll teach you!"

Seulgi shuffled over to Yeri's side to watch her in the mirror apply her makeup like painting a delicate picture. She watched as her friend lightly applied colourful eyeshadow to her eyelids.

"The secret to adding blush," Yeri said, grabbing a large brush and the peachy blush. "is not to add too much. Otherwise you end up looking like an apple!"

Seulgi chuckled then once again focused on the artist at work, entranced by the small circles she drew and the peachy residue they left on her cute cheeks.

"Your turn," she said handing Seulgi the blush and brush.

Seulgi tried to do as Yeri had shown her but ended up doing too much and indeed looking like an apple. The two laughed hard until there insides hurt, eventually coming to the conclusion that the younger should do it for the older again.

"What colour do you want on your lips? What about blue" Yeri chuckled while waving the blue lipgloss in Seulgi's face.

She disgustedly replied, "No ew," even though she was curious as to what it would look like, "um... How about that pinky one there."

"Omg yes this is gonna look so good on you."

Yeri gently brought the pink coloured brush towards Seulgi's lips, studying them intensely as to not make a mistake. She silently remarked at the older's natural cupid bow topped lips as she traced over them, painting them pink.

When she moved away, her gaze didn't fulter. It was as if her eyes were permanently glued to her lips. They drew Yeri in, tempting her.

How would they feel...?

"So is that it?" Seulgi brightly said, moving away to admire her newly done up face in the mirror.

"E-er yeah. You look great!"

Seulgi smiled, "Thanks! Sooo... shall we get going??"

"Of course!"

The two stepped out of the apartment, the hot sun beaming down on them, they were ready to make there way to the beach until...

"Did you pack that suncream btw," Yeri asked.


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