Chapter 11

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Seulgi's pov

Warm sea water lapped over my aching toes. Calmness washed over me with each wave momentarily, until my friends came bounding in.

Without a care we all tossed water at each other, screamed, laughed, shouted until we were wet to the bone.

Irene just watched on, "Those actual loonatics."

A bit later we settled down for a picnic. We sat on the large boulders that lined the edge of the beach, they were hot to touch after spending days basking in the sun's rays.

Fizzy lemonade tickled the inside of my mouth, washing down the sandwich I had just consumed. Before me, were piles of crips, chocolate bars and biscuits. I felt my mind go into overload with all these choices of what to eat so I settled on not eating anything. Occasionally, I forced myself to pop a crisp into my mouth so none of my friends got suspicious. Instead, I chose to focus on conversation.

"The water is honestly so warm Irene you should go feel it," Yeri said.

"Well maybe I will when none of you hooligans are nearby."

I pretended to be offended, "Um, what's wrong with us Irene??"

"Nothing, I just would prefer to stay dry," she said with a sarcastic smile.

The four of us were gradually drying but for the most part are clothes stuck to us. Desperately, I avoided looking at Yeri but every now and then I'd give into temptation and glance. Her hair was wet through, plastered down her face in strands. And her soaked tshirt revealed her body without exposing any skin. It made a heat rise up through my body so I avoided any contact with her.

Until, "Hey Seul, we're gonna play cricket on the sand now, wanna join?"

Those eyes, focus on those damn eyes that you get lost in so often.. Shit

"E-r u-uhm no I-I-I'm good thanks."


"Wait by the way!!" I uncontrollably spluttered out causing her to turn round, "You, uhm, look really good."

"Really you think? Uhm.. Thanks?" then she ran off to play with Joy and Wendy.

Throughout the interaction, Irene sat back, leaning on one of the rocks, eyes darting between both of us. They finished on me, giving me a knowing look.

Why the fuck did I do that?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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