About y.n

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You are an 17 year old girl in the year 2007 from Germany. You are Georg Listing sister, a tall, slim, black haired girl, with a lot of charm attached to you.

You always had your mom and brother next to you because your father died in the army in Pakistan, so you were always just the 3 of you.

Bill, Gustav and Tom were always bestfriends because you always hanged your with your brother, and you obviously had to hang out with his friends. When you were little kids, way before tokio hotel was a thing, you used to lisen to them playing and loved hearing them sing songs like nothing' like before or lebe die sekunde from their devilish times

At first, when they started  their band, you were the only one who suported them mentally and later on, financially, but because you didin t  have any musical talents, you atleast helped them write their first songs, personaly looked for a starting team and started working a crappy cashier job at a local store, while they tried to make contracts with a studio team. They were forever thankful for what you did for them, and after their money started to come, you've  got a pretty decent income for them, and the superstore that you upgrated to. You are now dating a controlling boyfriend named Hector, who sometime hits you, and threatens you if you leave him that he will hurt you and your family. The only one who know about how abusive he is, is Gustav, who swore that he wont tell anyone else, because you  and gustav know that they will worsen the situation, so its better this way, until you decide what to do next. You are hurt from inside because yk deep down that hector loves you but his bipolarity makes is harder for the both of you. 

Y/n stoped loving hector from the 3rd month of dating, after the first time that he gave you a bruise on your arm. From then on, he started being more and more aggresive, and you started losing feelings for him, and started crushing really hard for tom. (i dont blame y.n tho)

AUTHOR NOTE. i am sorry this was kinda short but the next one will be more interesting and longer, because this is just an introduction to y/n character. 

                                                                     T.W    THIS BOOK MAY CONTAIN:




                                                                                 - suicide TALK/flashback/memories

                                                                                 - grammar issues

                                                                                 -panick/anxiety attacks
               -body dismorphia

if you feel like you cant stand to read this type of things, i will put a tw before any of the 4th ones start so you can skip.

I will try and update almost everyday, atleast 2 chapters, and this might not be extremely long, like max 20-22 chapters but the chapters will be very long and stuffed, and if i dont upload some days, i promise i will make up to yall

A not so player boy.   A ~Tom Kaulitz~fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now