Chapter 10: Party In The Woods

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⚠️This chapter may be triggering for some people it contains (sexual assault)⚠️

ringggg rinnggg

ringggg rinnggg

"Oh shit! Katrinaaa wake up bitch," Myisha began shaking me violently out of my sleep. "OMG, we fell asleep. Did we miss the party?" She said while searching for her phone with one hand while still shaking me with the other. Once I was fully awake I felt a buzzing sound under me.. oops it was her phone.

"Hello." I answered it, "Where the hell are you guys I got her 30 minutes ago and it's already full!" Our friend that invited us to the party was screaming into the phone, I guess she was trying to be louder than the music but damn I wish I didn't put the phone to my ear. "Tell her we are on our way," Myisha whispered to me.

After the call ended Myisha and I contemplated about just going back to sleep but after 5 minutes we decided to just go because we didn't want our friend to have another reason to be pissed at us. When I checked the time it was already 8 pm. Good thing we took showers before we went to smoke I thought to myself as I was searching through Myisha's older sister's closet for clothes.

She hates when Myisha wears her clothes but she doesn't mind when I do, probably because I put them back when I'm done, unlike Myisha. I also had some of my makeup products in her room because she had an empty drawer in her vanity for me to use so after getting dressed I did my makeup.

I decided to wear one of her long sleeve black dresses and unfortunately, my body is thicker than her so the dress barely reached my knees but I put foundation on all my bruises so they were unnoticeable even with my skin showing. I felt free. I felt pretty. And as soon as I have these pregame shots with Myisha I was going to let all my worries fade away and let the night wind whisk me away from reality.

It was now 9 pm and we were still at Myisha's house. Even after doing her hair and makeup Myisha was still not ready. She couldn't decide what to wear, she wanted to match me by wearing a black dress but she had worn her favorite black dress last weekend so it was in the dirty clothes bin. I had spent 20 minutes trying to convince her to just wear her favorite brown one.

It was my idea for us to match and now I was regretting it seeing how indecisive she was. She had snuck up two of her mom vodka's from the closet so we each had our own bottle. I was halfway done with mine when Myisha finally came out of her walk-in closet with the same brown dress I had been trying to get her to wear for an hour.

I was already tipsy and didn't even care at this point. I order us a taxi on Myisha's phone and put some money in my bra for the trip to and back from the party in case we couldn't get a ride home. I also put my phone on the other side of my bra. That was the perk of having big boobs my bra could be my purse for the night.

I still hadn't turned on my phone and was even thinking about leaving it there but brought it just in case I lost sight of Myisha and needed to call her. When we go to parties we just get drunk. We don't care about anything and just let loose. That's why I loved hanging out with her. She never made me feel guilty for using alcohol as an escape.

I think she was probably doing the same.

When we arrived at the house we had both finished our bottles of vodka and were already feeling  intoxicated. We tried to go through the front door but it was locked so we made our way to the back and was caught off guard by the loud music. How did we not hear this in the front of the house? The party was in the woods of this person's backyard. My vision was getting blurry but it was still clear enough for me to see so many people.

Everyone had a dance partner whether it was girl on boy, girl on girl, boy on boy, everyone was having a blast I could tell. Then as my eyes were still scanning the area I recognized a face. It was Darius. He was dancing with a girl. Matter of fact it looked almost as if they were fucking just with their clothes on. She was beautiful and she had curves in all the right places. I knew I had no right to feel a type of way considering I was with Steve.

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