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5 kittens are seen playing in the main square of a not overcrowded but still populated village, the 5 kittens, 3 boys and 2 girls, play with each other with a small ball having a good time.

A P/c kitten soon enters the scene and approaches the 5 kittens.

"E-excuse me" He says, but the 5 kittens don't seem to hear him

"C-can I join you amigos?" The kitten tries again a bit louder, but the 5 kittens still don't notice him.

Finally the P/c kitten goes over and stands next to on of the kittens who's about to throw the ball.

"Can I play with you please?" He asks again

But the kitten with the ball throws it to another kitten and then moves past the P/c kitten to try and catch it again, like he never noticed the P/c kitten.

The ball then slips from the paws of one of the kittens and roles down the street into the small crowd of humans, causing the 5 kittens to chase after it instantly, leaving the P/c kitten all alone.

The P/c kitten stares after the 5 kittens for a moment looking defeated and sad, a single tear slips from his eye and it seems like more were coming, but before they could a paw is placed on his shoulder.

The P/c kitten looks up and is staring into the golden eyes of a beautiful female black cat.

The P/c kitten opens his mouth to talk but chokes on a sob, the black cat immediately pulls the P/c kitten into an embrace.

"Did it happen again?" She asked in a soft Spanish accent.

"Si, it keeps happening mama, when will I be able to make some friends?" The P/c kitten asks as he gently cries into his mothers embrace

"Soon, you will find some friends Mi dulce chico no matter how long it takes"

"You really think I will?"

"I know you will, my darling Y/n"

One month later:

Scene opens to you and your mama walking down the street to the village market, as you approach one of the stalls, the human running it recognizes your mama

"Ah hola Rosa, how are you on this fine day?" He asks

"I am very well thank you, I believe you remember my son Y/n?" She says gesturing to you

"Ah si Y/n, you look more alive  then ever, you know what your gonna be when you grow up"

"N-not yet" You replied slightly shyly

"Ah that's okay it'll come to you soon, so Rosa how can I help you today"

As your mama talks with the human, you spot the same 5 kittens who you tried to play with a month ago playing with the same ball, deciding to try it a second time you went over to the 5 kittens.

"Hey,C-can I play with you?" You said not loud enough to be rude but loud enough to be heard, but once again the 5 kittens ignored you, one of the kittens was running to get the ball which had rolled onto the ground, he could clearly see you and that he was heading straight towards you... Yet he just shouldered past, knocking you to the ground, as he continued to run after the ball.

Many viewed this moment as the spark of change in Y/n

Wish come true: Kitty Softpaws x Male Cat ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя