The legend of the star

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It had been just over a year since your mama's passing, yet you still felt as though it had just happend, your one and only friend and only living family member was gone.

You tried to follow her wish for you and make new friends, but some things don't change as every time you were either ignored or those you did make conversation with didn't want anything to do with you.

That's how you thought things would be for the rest of your life, that you would die a lonely and depressed mercenary with no one to remember you.

until one day when you were out on one of your missions retrieving some 'ancient family shoes' for one Jack Horner, you didn't really get it but as long as he paid good money, you didn't care.

The task was fairly easy as some overconfident, inexperienced bandits had stumbled upon them and taken the shoes for themselves, as the five idotas were laughing around a fire in their exposed camp in the middle of a field, you were asking yourself how no one else had seen these bandits yet.

You didn't care though as you were currently trying to steal the shoes from them quietly without a fight, but...

Bandit 1: "Hey that cats stealing the shoes that we stole!"

Y/n: "(So much for an easy job)"

Bandit 2: "Come on let's kill him boys"

He then charged at you, but you moved faster than light out of his way causing him to trip and somehow knock himself out. The third and fourth bandits draw pistols with the intention of shooting you, but before their fingers had even moved to the triggers you had already thrown a knife at each of their pistol hands, disarming them, causing them to get scared and run off. The first and last bandit both looked scared but still drew their swords and you followed suit, the first bandit yelled and charged at you thrusting his sword forward, but you blocked it and slashed down, he blocked and went for another thrust, but again you blocked and slashed at his leg hitting him and causing him to drop his sword and on his good leg to the ground crying out in pain.

Y/n: (Clearly disappointed) "It's not even that big of a gash"

You then turned to face the last bandit, but he was nowhere to be seen, most would probably assume he had run off given the inconfidence of these bandits, but you'd been in this scenario enough times to know not to take any chances, faster than one could blink you threw a knife over your shoulder not looking back.

You heard what sounded like fabric being slashed, when you looked behind you, you saw that the last bandit was standing behind you with his sword raised like he was going to strike you down and that your knife had left a huge gash on his left cheek, needless to say he looked terrified.

Y/n: "Run and you'll be spared senor"

The bandit didn't think twice before legging it.

You sheathed your sword and turned to the first bandit who was still on the ground and clutching his leg, before he reached over to where the shoes were.

Bandit 1: "H-Here, take them and just leave me alone"

He said tossing the shoes over to you

Y/n: "Grasias"

2 hours later

Y/n: "Here you are Senor Horner, your family shoes"

Horner: "Ah finally those shoes are in in my possession, welp here you are"

He said while snatching the shoes from you and then tossing a pouch of gold your way.

You just responded by grabbing the gold and walking away, you knew enough about Jack Horner that you shouldn't stay in his presents for long.

As you reached the door exiting his office, it was suddenly flung open to reveal two tough looking women who didn't seem to notice you as they just barged past carrying a box of most likely something magical between them.

Unfazed by this you just walked out the now open door before closing it behind you.

Releasing a sigh of exhaustion you were about to leave the factory and find somewhere to set up camp, but the conversation Horner was having with the two women caught your ears.

Horner: "So if you got the map to the wishing star, why not open the box sister?"

Sister 1: "Like I was saying, the amount of murdering-"

Horner: "Make with the box!"

Horner: "After so many years of searching, this is my moment"

As Horner turned the key to open the box "This wish, I will finally be, the master of all magic"

Sister 1: "Hey little Jack!"

Immediately Horner slammed the box shut and locked it again before turning to face the Sisters

Horner: "Scuse me?"

Sister 1: "Could you do the thumb thing, like in the fairy tale

Horner: "Wasn't a fairy tale!.. Was only a nursery rhyme"

Sister 1: "Oh yeah, the lame one

As the sister started singing the nursery rhyme, which would most definitely seal her fate

You couldn't believe it, the wishing star was real, your mama had told you stories about it when you were young and you remembered saying you wished you had some friends, but she'd always just smile and say that you didn't need magic for friends.

Even though she always said that you'd find some friends one day and that she'd told you to move on from her death, her words appeared to be just... well... words.

You decided that this was your one chance, your one chance to be happy again, to have something to keep you going, and your one chance to steal the map, find the wishing star and bring your mama back.

Wish come true: Kitty Softpaws x Male Cat ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now