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Two days.

It had been two days since Alyssa was last awake.

After the battle, she had to carry Ashlena all the way back to their apartment. She had to fight against her own crippling exhaustion and her own injuries just so she could get herself and Ashlena safely home.

The flight was almost harder than the fight itself.

Breaking back into the apartment, nearly impossible.

But she did it. And the second she pulled Ashlena through the door, she left her on the ground and found her own bed, passing into a deep slumber.

It was almost like a comatose state. A very short one.

That happened exactly two days ago.

Alyssa could have slept for much, much longer had the pressure from her own bladder not have woken her up. But despite what her body had recently been through, nature still called.

After relieving herself, she collapsed back down on her bed. She laid there, simply breathing in and out. She did notice that she felt remarkably better and it seemed that her slumber had given her body enough time to recover.

The right side of her body, which she had shattered, no longer caused her any grief. There was still a slight level of soreness, but all of the actual pain was gone. Her fast healing had come in handy.

She was relieved, so relieved that she almost found herself in another peaceful rest.

But when she heard the door to her room creak open, she cracked her eyes open. Ashlena stood in the doorway, picking at the skin on her nails as if she was nervous. Alyssa eyed her sister from the comfort of her bed for several more seconds, before she eventually pulled herself into a seated position.

She stared back at Ashlena, who after several silent seconds began to talk.

"I am so, so, sorry, Lyss."

The sound of her voice filled the quiet room, sucking every ounce of peace right out of it.

Alyssa released a heavy sigh, yanking a hand through her greasy and tangled hair. She could feel the tension rising inside of her, and though she had no intention of talking to Ashlena about what had happened, she knew it had to be done.

And Ashlena wasn't going to let her out of it as far as Alyssa could tell.

All I wanted was ten minutes of absolute quiet. Alyssa thought to herself, bitter over the fact that she would not get her wish.

"Lyss, say something." Ashlena pleaded, her voice yet again filling the room.

Alyssa rubbed her temple and pinched the bridge of her nose, sucking in yet another deep breath. She did this a couple more times before she found the strength and patience to speak to her sister.

"For now, let's leave it all in Havana."

Alyssa tried to end the conversation at that. She walked around Ashlena without another word, praying that Ashlena would just take the hint that now wasn't the time. The reminder of what Ashlena had done, the sting of betrayal...It greatly offended Alyssa and it was all too fresh.

That was the truth.

She wasn't angry at Ashlena, she wasn't worried for her well being.

She was betrayed.

She needed time to figure everything out inside of her head. She needed time to get past the danger that Ashlena had willingly put herself and Alyssa in. Ashlena's constant nagging would do nothing but poke a sleeping bear.

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