Chapter 10

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Jungkook let out a groan as his butt hit the floor.

"W-what are you d-doing?!". Taehyung, who was standing there, asked.

She then sat on the couch with her heart beating rapidly.

Jungkook knelt down, intending to get close to Taehyung, but she gestured with her hand to prevent him from coming close.

However, Jungkook was being stubborn and attempted to approach Tae.

Taehyung quickly stood up, and Jungkook stood in front of her as well.

"Don't touch me," she said, slapping his hand away.

"I'm sorry," Jungkook replied as he attempted to touch Taehyung again, but she didn't allow him.

"Jungkook, I'm not your toy," she raised her voice, looking into Jungkook's eyes.

"Who told you that you're my toy?" he retorted, disliking it when someone raised their voice to him.

If it were anyone else, he would break their bones for disrespecting him, but it was Taehyung, and he loved her.

"I'm a mother, sir. I have a child. You can't do such a things to me," she pointed out, as Jungkook touched her hands, only to have them removed.

"I know, I'm just..." He didn't know what to say or how to convince her.

"I'm leaving, sir," Taehyung said as she pushed Jungkook aside before heading towards the door.

She was confused about Jungkook's intentions as she thought he took advantage of her as a single mother.

However, Jungkook stopped her, while shouting, "STOP!!! DON'T YOU DARE TO LEAVE ME" before aggressively grabbing her hair and making her look at him.

Taehyung was taken aback by the harsh treatment from her boss. Tears filled her eyes as she hit his chest, and her heart raced with fear.

Jungkook suddenly let go of her hair and wrapped them around her waist instead. He lifted her up making her to tiptoe and started kissing her neck and collarbones forcefully.

Taehyung struggled to break free and hit Jungkook, but it didn't work.

Jungkook kept leaving marks on her skin, causing Taehyung to feel scared and think that she might be assaulted by another stranger.

She pushed Jungkook's face away, crying and feeling helpless.

Taehyung quickly regained her composure and slapped Jungkook, forcefully pushing him away.

Jungkook's senses came back as he widened his eyes while Taehyung rushed out of the cabin while crying.

She just ran out from there while wiping her tears as the employees stared at her with curious eyes.

The employees' faces were confused as they observe the jungkook cottage.

In anger, Jungkook knelt down and clenched his hair. "What the fvck I just did." He screams.


When Taehyung got home, she hurried upstairs to her bedroom.

She once again began to cry as she sat on the bed.

"W-where are you, J-jungkook," she stuttered as she sheds many tears.

She quickly falls asleep.

Mother | Taekook ( 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝 ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now