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Song of the Chapter: "So" by Christian Kuria


"Alright class, we have a new student joining us for the year. I want you to welcome her warmly and cause no trouble to her please," Mrs. Yang stood at the front of the room, explaining everything carefully, even eyeing certain groups of the class before motioning toward the door for the new girl to step inside.

The class awaited in silence as the girl stepped in. When she did, their expectations were pleasantly met; many of the boys excited to have a new girl to gawk at and flirt with while some girls rolled their eyes at the ridiculousness, other girls smiled and quietly complimented her for being pretty.

"Please introduce yourself dear," Mrs. Yang offered the girl a small smile and stepped back a little, giving her more room and attention.

The girl bowed, hand above her chest before taking a deep breath, eyes closed all the while. "Hi everyone, I'm Ahn Yujin. I hope we can get along. Please take care of me."

As the girl looked back at Mrs. Yang to silently imply she was done, the class erupted in childish cheers. Lots of the boys were standing, clapping, and yelling as loud as they could while the girls just stared at them but joined as well.

Mrs. Yang was a little surprised and taken aback by how her class was reacting but just chuckled and motioned for them to settled down with a hand, "I know you're all excited to have a new classmate but let's not weird her out, yes?"

The students nodded in agreement and somehow returned to being normal, most dismissing themselves to get back to work while their teacher acquainted Yujin with the classroom.

"I'll be your homeroom teacher for the year and also your maths teacher. If you couldn't tell, your class is fairly rowdy but I think you'll adjust just fine. If you ever need something, I'm the one you can definitely come to. I've worked with lots of kids before and have helped them with numerous things so don't worry about my comfort level being exceeded. With that being said, you'll be seated with Naoi Rei. She's also a transfer student but from Japan. She's right over there," Mrs. Yang pointed toward the back of the room where said girl was seated, headphones in and arms propped on the desk as she stared at her paper, boredom written all over her face.

Yujin smiled and turned to the woman, "Ah I see! I'm thankful for all the help you've given me already, I'll be on my way then. Thank you and have a good day," She bowed and gave a small wave before excusing herself and making her way toward the back of the classroom.

The girl, Rei, was seemingly uninterested when Yujin walked up to her desk. Her eyes had stayed glued to her paper, much to Yujin's confusion but she didn't question it and just sat in the empty desk beside her.

"You smell just like my brother but with a hint of baby powder," Rei muttered, voice laced with nothing but complete monotone, it surprised her.

"Oh..Thank you?" Yujin furrowed her brows, not sure how to take the girl's comment. She felt her face burning and mentally groaned for getting so embarrassed but that wasn't entirely her fault when the girl next to her said something out of pocket.

Rei hummed, "You're welcome. Anywho, here's who you'll want to avoid," She turned to Yujin and started pointing at their peers who all were doing different things.

The first group she pointed to was toward the front, where a bunch of boys, mostly muscular and laughing way too loud to be considered normal, were seated and hand playing.

"Those are the jocks, or what they claim to be. They're the worst breed of boy to ever exist," Rei rolled her eyes as she watched some of them laugh at another classmate who happened to trip as he walked in.

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