Chapter 14: The Final Battle Part 3

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Tenderheart: We can't beat Cloudsky with our Belly Badges. We need a plan.
Bedtime: I have the power of the Lunar Eclipse. If we can hold out, we can use it to defeat her.
Xenon: That's risky. We don't know if we can last that long.
Chronicle Bear: We need backup. Radioactive Bear, can you call for reinforcements?
Radioactive Bear: On it. Hang in there, guys.

Harmony: We'll stay here and protect the base. You guys go help our friends.
Love-a-lot: Be careful out there. Cloudsky is dangerous.
Creme Legion: We have 250 knights with us. We'll be fine.
Cairo Reaper: Let's go. Our friends need us.

Xenon: We're not making any progress. What do we do?
Chronicle Bear: We have to keep trying. We can't let Cloudsky win.
Creme Legion: We're here to help.
Cairo Reaper: Let's show her what we're made of.

Cheer Bear: We won't let you hurt anyone.
Grumpy Bear: You're no match for us, Cloudsky.
Cloudsky: You underestimate my power.
Cheer Bear: Let's see what you can do against our teamwork.
Grumpy Bear: Together, we're invincible.

Cheer Bear: We have to use our ultimate power.
Grumpy Bear: Are you ready, everyone?
Tenderheart: Let's do it!
Bedtime: We believe in you!
Xenon: The Care Bears never give up!
Chronicle Bear: Let's show Cloudsky what we're made of!
Cheer Bear: Care Bears Confederator Supernova Stare!
Grumpy Bear: Take this, Cloudsky!

Solartime Bear: I failed. I can't face the Care Bears.
???: Solartime, what are you doing?
Solartime Bear: I have to pay for my mistakes. I'm sorry.
???: No, Solartime! Don't do it!
???: We'll miss you.
Solartime Bear: Goodbye, my friends.

(Care Bears: Unlock the Magic): The Unknown Dimensional SpaceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora