Chapter 2: Preventable

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Log 2: March 26th 2023:
When we returned home last night, there was a great deal of buzz. We asked Gordon what had happened, and Caitlin, who was having some water nearby was able to give us the scoop. Apparently, some of Tango's trucks became uncoupled, just shy of Gordon's Hill. Tango reached the airport station and Zoya told the signalman. However, they were too late to flag Lester down! Lester tried to stop, but the weight of the loaded trucks serged him forward! Brewster was passing just at the scene of the impact! Caitlin stood on top of the brakevan, and watched, as Lester hit the train! Being tossed into Brewster and his train! The sound of the crash filled the air, before all of a sudden, there was a bright flash of light! When Caitlin opened her eyes, Brewster was clattering past, and Lester, the trucks and brakevan were sat on the sleepers. No one was hurt. At last, Tango saunted in, and quickly phoned for help. Lester was pretty shaken up, and god knows how Gabby and Terresa are. I'll get Hunter to check in on them. I'm so glad Caitlin's okay, Maria and Alison too, they were in direct line of fire. So, it seems this thing, whatever it is, does more good then bad.. Still, it's best worth keeping tabs on it. 

Log 3: March 30th 2023:Fog arrived yesterday

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Log 3: March 30th 2023:
Fog arrived yesterday. As soon as it set in, we knew we were in for a rough time. The rain had already proven so. However, we weren't prepared for today. Terry's safety valve burst, while he was inside Henry's Tunnel, and he had to stop. The signalman was informed, but because of the fog, Harry couldn't see the red signal. Harry burst out from the fog, and there was the back end of Terry's train! The brakevan fouling the points! Harry's crew didn't even have time to react! But, just like last time, there was another bright flash of light! Harry rocketed over the points, and roared past Terry! The light only faded once Harry was out of the tunnel. The brakevan was still fouling the points, and still switched for Terry's line. Cinder got out, and alerted control. This is where we come in, as we took Terry to the works. Cinder told us everything from there. We're at the works now. Terry's being mended, and we're waiting for his trucks. Although, as we wait, the snows started coming in.. Hopefully, it's only a short burst like Lady Hatt told us it would be.

 Hopefully, it's only a short burst like Lady Hatt told us it would be

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*To be continued 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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