Fluff and a bit of against Scotland x finland

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Requested by: @steakbaketable

It was a rainy afternoon with two couples sitting on a couch cuddling against each other while listening sizzling noise of the rain . When suddenly Scotland's phone rang and buzz. His actions made his boyfriend suspicious of him. Each time.

Finland pov 

He had being on his phone for a good few weeks now .......and he is not paying attention to me anymore.Dose he still love me or is he cheating on me . I need the truth today .

3rd pov
When Scotland hunged up the call ,Finland was about to speak but was soon cut off by his boyfriend telling him that he needed to go out for a while to help a good friend of his . Which lately same excuse over and over ,after he left a sniffle could be hear .(om goodness how could you scot ,now fin is crying 😫)

Finland pov 

Tears started to flow out of my eyes uncontrollably down my cheeks with a good few sniffles. He left me here alone again,alone in the dark again, alone..... I missed the old times when we're together,spen every minutes together cuddling ,telling story and even flirting. I chuckled of the thoughts off the old memories we had . Now I had no more tears to cry ,all I have left of the tears is red eye bags . Despite cry earlier I got off the couch and head  towards the bedroom that I share with scot (short for Scotland) . I  pulled the covers off so that I can slide in to the bed 

3rd pov 

After Finland fall asleep you can still hear sniff . (Fast forward by your darn  Author cuz why not 😒) It's being a few hour after he fall asleep.   He was woken up by a strange keys  shuffling and sat up straight . That made him get up on his legs ....

Scotland pov 

I turned to the bedroom to put down my things but I saw Finland puffy eyes 👀 it made my heart drop . "Hey what happened " in return I got a big slap on my face.  "Owww what was that for ? "But again in return was a question that I don't expect to hear. "Are you cheating on me ?? Do you not love me anymore?" where in the world did he hear that from "no I'm not cheating on I was helping my friend cuz he has a wedding to prepare ,yes I do love you dear and why would I love someone else when I have you " with that I kissed his cheeks.

Sorry I wasn't posting lately cuz I wasn't on watt pad for a good 2 weeks lol 😂 have a good day/night 😂 hehe

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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