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Courtney talked to me the whole way to class. "What a great way to start off the morning, huh Bailey." I rolled my eyes at her, I knew she was being sarcastic but boy did that guy get on my nerves. "Y'know I heard of that kid before, Dallas I mean." She said acknowledgingly. "Yeah, I hear he gets around. They say he just got outa the cooler a couple days back." I replied. We continued to walk to our class, watching as soc boys picked on greaser boys. Sometimes you could see a fight about to happen. We never bothered to stop, there was no use. Last time I tried to break up a fight I got slugged in the face. I learned my lesson now.

Once we arrived at our classroom a familiar face looked back at me. It was Dallas, the kid who was messing with me and Courtney at the bleachers. He was leaning on the wall that was holding the door into place. "Are you serious?!" Courtney groaned out, I knew there was a possibility that Dallas would be in my first. But I just wondered how he got here before us. "Hey baby, looks like we got our first class together." He eyed me, and Courtney scoffed. "Good luck Bailey. Don't let him creep up on you." She walked off with a harsh attitude. Courtney never liked trouble makers, especially if they were Greasers. The boy laughed at her as she stormed off, staring at her bottom as she got farther and farther away, and flicked is cigarette over at me."What is your deal!" I coughed at the smoke that his cigarette produced into the closed building. "No need to get fussy Bae, I'll just put it out." He dropped the cigarette and grinded it under his heel. Giving me a wide teasing smile as he did.

"Absolutely ridiculous.." I scoffed out at him and went to grab the door handle, until he moved I'm my way, making it so I would have to use force against him to get into class. "Move it." I glared up at him. "Where your manners-" he shook his head at me,I knew he was gonna say something else, but i quickly cut him off."I said beat it hood!" I spat out at him, interrupting his sentience. "Glory. You got spunk, huh?" Thankfully he moved out my way, and chuckled a bit, not hiding the fact he checked me out on the way into the classroom. When the door almost shut behind me he grabbed it and flung it back open, lighting another cigarette as he sat in his seat...the seat that was directly next to me. I groaned out "If you have to sit next to me then put out that damn cigarette." He only chuckled and took the stick out of his mouth, waving it around my sitting area. "Whats wrong Bae? Can't handle me?" He laughed before jamming the lit end of the cigarette into the desk to put it out. "My name is Bailey, not bae." Boy was this kid getting on my nerves. "Yeah I know, you told me earlier Hon." He flicked his pencil at me and I flinched, Dallas winston was well known around the school for being a trouble maker. And because how often he was in and outa jail. I couldn't help but pitty him a tad. He was in juvenile detention at age 10, poor thing was raised to be the worst he could be.

"Just shut your trap and leave me alone." I grabbed the pencil off the floor and slammed it onto his desk. Figured he might not no how to use it correctly so I made sure he saw me write on the sheet of paper infront of me. "You like to write?" He asked me, I only ignored him. There was no reason he would need to know if I did or not. "Do you enjoy writing?" He asked me again, turning his chair to face me and leaning forward. I directed my eyes to the opposite direction and he grabbed a strand of my hair laughing at me a bit. "Did you bleach it?" I smacked his hand off of me, did this boy have no idea what common sense was?! "Don't touch me." I wisper shouted through gritted teeth

"You into music?" He turned his chair back around and stretched his legs out under the desk. "Why would that be important to you?" He chuckled and raised his fingers up to his lips. "Hey I thought chicks liked when men showed interest in them." I rolled my eyes, God does he ever shut up? "Well I guess that sucks for you because you're anything but a man."

Dallas tapped his pencil on the
Desk a smirk was still visible on his face as he stared me down. "You doin' anything this weekend sugar?" I rolled my eyes. "Oh god stop it with the pet names, I'm not interested in a-..." I stopped myself from going any farther, and continued to write on my paper, his eyes wondered over to my hands and then up at my eyes."a what? C'mon, acting like you don't wanna say it doesn't change the fact you thought of it." He rested the side of his head on the Desk, his eyes not leaving my face, and my eyes not leaving the paper. "Its not-" "come on. Spit it out Bailey." He interrupted me. He already knew what I was gonna say, so why did he wanna hear it? "I'm not interested in a filthy greaser Like you." I stood up, unpleased with what I had just admitted to him. I walked up to the front to turn In my paper, but there was a slight felling of guilt in my stomach.

Why? I'm not sure. I don't owe him anything, and he should have left me alone the second I had told him to. But I think the reason I had felt bad is because the words I had used, and how I had told him off so rudely. He didn't seem hurt one bit. It was odd in my eyes.

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