Part 5

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Chelsea POV

A  few weeks later it was funeral time, we all got into our smartest clothes and gave Herve the best send off we could. I think it hit Charles harder than he cares to admit. He had a meeting with Sauber for a seat on the 2018 grid so I guess he didn't lie to his dad completely.

Me and Max have been in a good place. He has been there for me. I do appreciate that. We decided to have a night in and max made dinner, chicken pesto pasta my favourite and we had a bottle of wine and watched one of my favourite movies. Guardians of the galaxy. He really showed how much he cared. I decided tonight was the night. We cuddled up on the sofa and I gave him a kiss as the kiss deepened max picked me up and took my to my room.

We woke up the next day cuddled up, sheets covering the important parts. I smiles and kissed him, we stayed there until my phone rang it was Charles. Of course.. 'hello' 'Cj, it's Charlie boy.. let's go on the boaty and get fucked up' max whispered 'who's is it?' I whispered back 'Charles, I think he's drunk' ' umm maybe not today Charles. And to be honest I don't think that's a good idea, are you okay?' ' course I am, I'm absolutely the best. My best friends dead, my dads dead, living the life here' oh no.. ' Charles where are you?' 'Umm. The big place with water. Water everywhere, port 2' 'stay there' i apologised, to max ' I'm sorry I've gotta go sort Charles out, he's drunk and he's not in a good place. I love you, stay if you want' ' want me to come with?' ' no. Best not. I'll be fine, go home' he nodded and kissed me and left.
I left to go and find Charles and I was successful? He was slumped on the bench bottle of vodka in hand. This was not the Charles I knew. He saw and that was it he sobbed. I hugged him and told him it was gonna be okay. I managed to get him back to mine, I couldn't take him home, Pascale was there and she didn't need to see him like this. Once inside I put him on the sofa and gave him a glass of water. 2 minutes later he was asleep I text Lorenzo and explained what happened and that he was safe.

Charles POV

I Woke up this morning in such a shit mood, I'm thankful i got my f1 seat but it's hurts that Jules or my dad will never see me race. I looked at my
Phone Andrea had text me to say he was on the way for todays workout, I didn't have the energy or time for this. *knock* fuck he's here. We went a run, we got to the top of my favourite lookout point. I sat down and broke down in front of Andrea. I couldn't help it. Why does everyone I love leave. Andrea managed to get me back home but after he left I went to the shop and I don't know what but something inside me decided that getting a bottle of vodka was a good idea. I went down to the harbour and just drunk. I thought to myself I wonder if Chelsea would join me on the boat? If I get her there I can tell her how I feel? I called her the next thing I knew I was walking to her house.
I woke up on Chelsea's sofa, she came in with a glass of water and some paracetamol, I apologised for my behaviour and made my way home. I don't think I told her how I felt? Did I?

Chelsea POV

I woke up and remembered Charles was in my flat. I went out and gave him a drink and
Paracetamol. We discussed what we spoke about, he seemed a little on edge not quite sure why. After he cheered up we started talking about upcoming races and f1 season the next year and what we were gonna do for Christmas. We planned as usual our families would get together for Christmas and I'd previously planned with Max I'd see him for new year.

*time skip to end of season Abu Dhabi race 2017*

Chelsea POV

I walks out of her hotel room to see Charles in the floor crying "Charles what's wrong?" He looked up " I can't do this Chelsea, what if I let everyone down" i got down to hug him, I decided now was the time to tell him what's Jules said to me. "Charles, I knew this guy and he asked me to look after this kid he knew, he asked me help you and be there for you, he knew you had a bright future. He was excited to have you join him" Charles looked at me, he knew "Jules?" I nodded "yes Charlie, Jules knew how amazing you are, he was so proud of you, he still is, you're about to be f2 world champion!, you're also about to make f1, that's a big accomplishment" "I'm proud of you" Charles looked at me and smiles "thank you" in that moment we looked at each other a look we've never had before and we moved closers, I closed my eyes and all of a sudden we heard voices and it made up jump.

We make our way to the track and Charles got ready for the race. His family came to join us in the preema garage, not long after my mum and dad joined us ready to wish Charles good luck.
20 laps later we hear on the speaker "Charles Leclerc wins 2017 formula 2 world championship." "He'd done it!"I screamed Charles jumps out of his car points to the sky and runs straight to the team and to Chelsea. Tears are falling of happiness. Everyone so proud of Charles and his achievements. The Leclerc family and the Smithen family look up at the podium to see Charles, he sprays the crowd with the sparkling water and he points to the sky once again for Jules and Herve

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