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It was the beginning of your sixth year at Hogwarts and you were very excited. You somehow had finished all your summer work while being literally pushed around by your family. Thankful to have 9 months without having to see them you relax in your compartment on the train.
"Y/n, there you are!" Draco exclaimed before sitting down with you. You knew Draco was a few years younger than you and a little problematic but he was one of your only friends.
"What class are you most excited for?" He asked.
"I'm not sure." You said which is true you didn't nesicarly had a favorite class. You did have a least favorite. Potions. You always did well on your essays, you loved to write but you could never get your book knowledge to translate to the actual making of a potion and it felt awful. It was the one part of school that wasn't easy for you.
"We'll I ran into the sweets trolly on the way here so here." He said and handed you a chocolate frog. You opened it and pulled out the card to reveal... Professor Snape. Draco looked over.
You got Snape, bummer."
You stared at the card looking at the Professor as he frowned back at you and disappeared. You listened to Draco talk about his summer the rest of the way to the school.

Once the train arrived to the school you grabbed your cats crate from the shelve and headed to the carriages that pulled themselves. You've heard Luna mention before that they are pulled by an animal that only people who've seen death could see. You couldn't remember the name of them but maybe you'll ask her later and do some research. You sat quietly on the ride to the castle and when you arrived you made your way to the dungeons. You were a Slytherin. In your dorms your trunks were already there so you let your cat Jade a beautiful slim black cat out and she stretched and laid down on your bed. Since you were already in your school robes you made your way to the Great Hall for dinner. You sat down at the Slytherin table next to Draco as you watched the first years pile in. Some looked scared, some in awe. Sometimes you wished you were a first year again. To be naive and have life not be as complicated as it is now. You had so many thoughts and feeling not only about life and the world but about yourself as well. After all the new students got sorted the food appeared on the table. At home your parents had an extremely strict diet for you. They cared a lot about their body image and would constantly comment on your body leaving you feel very insecure. There was no meat at your house at home. Your parents had a completely vegan diet at home and not that it's a bad thing you just like a lot of the food they didn't allow. Their words still weighed heavily in your brain, so though you had food on your plate you weren't allowed to eat your plate was still close to empty. As you picked at your food you looked around the room. Students eating and laughing. Ron Weasley was shoving food in his face as his friends laughed around him. Your eyes moved to the teachers table. You looked at each teacher before you eyes landed on Professor Snape. He was super intimating to you like any other student. He sat there glancing at Professor McGonagall as she rambled at something you couldn't hear. Then as is he could sense eyes on him he lifted his gaze around the room till they landed on you. Your eyes met and you quickly looked away. You looked at your food for a moment before looking back and he was still at you. You shifted in your seat under his gaze and his eyebrow twitched up almost before he looked away. You pushed your food around some more before sighing and telling Draco you were going to bed. A certain Professors eyes followed you out of the room.

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