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You awake the next morning. The first day of classes. You get dressed and brush your hair out putting it in a French braid. You brush your teeth and put on a soft amount of makeup before grabbing your school books and supplies and heading to the great hall for breakfast.
"Hey, Y/n!" You hear someone call. You turn to see Cedric Diggory. He was the only friend you had that was in the same year as you.
"Oh hey Cedric." You say stopping so he can catch up with you.
"Do you wanna sit with me at breakfast?"
"Yeah sure." You say and the two of you walk together the rest of the way. Cedric talked about his summer vacation and you listened intently. You two sat down at the Hufflepuff table. Once everyone was seated Dumbledore stood up.
"This year Hogwarts will be the host of the Triwizard tournament. I would like to welcome Beauxbatons students and Durmstrangs students." He says.

The Beauxbaton students came dancing in elegantly and once they settled the much more intimating Durmstrang students came in pounding staffs a such.
"Is it just me or do they kinda make us look like a joke." You whisper to Cedric.
"Yeah they look much more put together than we do." He agreed.
"The Goblet Of Fire will be activated first thing in the morning and all students 17 and up have 24 hours to enter their name if they wish." Dumbledore finishes and everyone settles to eat.
"I think I'm going to enter my name." Cedric said.
"No! Don't do that, the tournament is extremely dangerous. Cedric if you get picked you could die."
"We'll I might not get picked."
"I still don't think you should."
"It'll be fine. Come on let's head to Transfiguration." Cedric says and the two of you walk together to the class.

The class you had been dreading all day, your second to last class. Potions. It wasn't that you were terrible at it. Your essays were good but Professor Snape made you so nervous that you constantly messed up the making of Potions. You were determined to make this year different. You read a lot about breathing and mindfulness this summer so you were hoping that would help you ignore Snape's soul piercing stare. You walk into the room always being one of the first students there you sat down at your desk located in the middle left of the class room. Naturally Cedric sat next to you. Once class started Snape began instructors class on what potion you were making and it's properties. Table by table everyone gathered their ingredients. Cedric got up to get the ingredients and you prepare them. Once everyone was seated and had gotten to work Snape started to slowly pace the room. His presence was overwhelming to you. As if you could sense exactly where he was in the room. You take a moment to close your eyes and take a few slow deep breaths before focusing on the task at hand. You swiftly and carefully prepared each ingredient, placing them in the cauldron in the correct time and order while Cedric stirred it. You let out a satisfied sigh as it turned a deep red color just as expected. Cedric raised his hand to signal Snape over to check it. He stared at it with a blank expression.
"Shockingly you two managed to perfect this potion 10 points to Hufflepuff and Slytherin." He said slowly before whisking away to check another potion. He scolded multiple tables on how they could accomplish such a simple potion at their year. And soon class was over. As everyone was gathering their things Snape spoke up.
"Miss Y/ln stay behind." Cedric gave you a sympathetic look before walking out. Soon it was just you and Snape. You nervously walk up to his desk.
"Um Professor?" You ask as he stares at his desk full of papers. He looks up at you.
"You did shockingly well today since last year. Might I ask how." He said almost annoyed.
"If I'm being honest you are quite intimidating." You confess and his eyebrow raises slightly. "So over the summer I read up on breathing exercises and mindfulness and focusing and tried to apply that this year." You explain.
"Well you have proven yourself successful." He said and you can't help but smile brightly at him. He paused for a moment like he's thinking about what he's going to say next. Slowly he says
"Good work."
"Thank you Professor!" You say. He's never praised you before, it felt nice.
"Yes now get. Out." He said sternly.
"Yes Professor." Say and quickly turn on your heel stride out confidently.

Snape doesn't know why he felt the need to praise you and seeing you smile at him he almost immediately regretted it. Almost. Seeing you walking beaming with confidence was a... nice change tho compared to your normal unsure self.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2023 ⏰

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