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Eric groped me. I squint my eyes, Continuing to kiss him. Maybe if I stayed with him longer, showing him that I cared, then he would go away.

"Take off your clothes." He demands.

I whine softly. "Eric, please stop."

He gives me a look. Taking it, I strip down of my black tee shirt, and then jeans. Guessing he wanted me naked, I start off with my under garments.

"Janine really pays you to rape me?" I ask smartly.

He grabs my body, bringing it to his. "I don't get paid. But I've learned to live with the blood on my hands."

I shake my head. In midway, I see a shard of glass that I had used to cut myself. Gripping it slowly without him noticing, I put my hand around my back. I teased him with my lips, then kissed his neck.

"Getting comfortable Tris?" He snarled.

"Yeah. I really am." I stab him the glass twice. Striking his left and right lung, I quickly escape his grip.

He coughed up blood on my chest, and left blood on my torso.

"You sick bastard." I spit.

He takes a last breath, then finally dies.

Pulling in my clothes and running to my door, I ponder my pupils around its ledge.

"A key," I pant.

Searching through Eric's pant pockets, I find the key and unlock the door. Shutting it. I sprint down the hallway. My legs started to ache and burn.

A Eurdite guard stands in front of a door. I stop at a corner, gliding along the wall. Counting to three, I jumped the guard. I reverse the gun to his stomach. Muffling the sound, I snatch out his I.D cards and some of his ammo.

"Beatrice?" I look up to see who was calling my name.


"BEATRICE?!" He called out. He was skinnier than ever.

What had they done to him?

I rush over to him. "Caleb... you're a alive."

He nods. "Yeah, get me out."

Shoving the card in the metallic slot, the red hologram read my face. It beeped for a quick second. Beeping once more, Ansel falls literally to my feet.

"You are Okay, right?" He hugs me.

I nearly shove him off. "Yeah. I'm just a bit shooken up."

He stops me. "Why?"

"I killed Eric." I say flatly. "He rapes me and gets away with it?" I pick up the pace with my feet. "No, sir."

"You did the right thing." He pats my back.

A knife blade was in his back pocket. We all have our protection methods.

"I don't cut, if you were just trying to.figure that out."

I shook my head. "Not at all." I hand him my pistol instead. "Leggo."

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