1 - Roman

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"Golden boy. The big man wants you in his office." One of my fellow coworkers said as he approached me. Surprisingly, I've worked with these people for a while yet I can't remember a single name.

No one's made the effort to remember mine, anyway.

"What for?" I asked.

"Not a clue." He leaned against the wall to replace my post, "But you know you're the favorite so it's probably nothing bad."

Henry patted my back, whispering 'Good luck' into my ear. I made my way upstairs to Mr. Walker's office, tapping my hands to my side.

There was nothing to be worried about since he had treated me like his son since I was recruited, but I couldn't help but feel this way, no matter how long I'd worked for him.

I slowly opened the door, the lump in my throat not getting any smaller. His friendly eyes met with mine as he wavered to the seat in front of him.

"Son, how are you doing today?" he asked me the smile on his face growing wider.

"I'm doing well, sir."

"Don't be so formal, Roman. You can always call me Preston," His giddy attitude threw me off guard as he wheeled his chair over to his alcohol cabinet. Preston brought out two glasses and a bottle of whiskey, which heightened my suspicions.

He did this often with his business partners. Getting them to drink, loosening them up to agree to his proposal.

"I shouldn't be drinking on the job...Preston." I hesitated on calling his first name, knowing I was following the path he wanted me on.

"Nonsense. You know you're special," he poured me a glass and slid it over, quickly pouring himself one, "Drink. Have fun."

I pressed the glass to my lips, briefly tasting the whiskey but not taking full sips. I had every right to be hesitant about what he wanted, "You're stalling, Preston."

"You're special as well as smart," Preston took a large drink, slamming his glass down on his desk, "I'm going on a business trip for three days."

"And I'm assigned for this trip?"

"No, no, You'll be taking on more important matters."

I raised an eyebrow in confusion. He got up from his seat with his glass in hand, tilting his head for me to follow him.

We wandered the halls until we stood in front of a door.

"Preston? What's this?"

"I want you to watch my daughter."


"Sir– I don't think that's a good idea."

"Of course it is. I trust you. I talked to her about the rules. No big deal."

I tried to interject, but he walked me back to his office with his long, long list of rules.

We can't interact with each other. She isn't allowed outside of the house. I'm not allowed inside of her room.

Just stand by the door and keep watch.

All for the sake of my job.


I stood outside of her bedroom door, overhearing pieces of their argument. She was insisting on something, but he refused her requests no matter how often she brought it up.

Preston ended the conversation, kissing his daughter's forehead before he left.

"I trust you," he said, fading off into the long hallways.

The hours went by in silence until I heard a light knock coming from the door.

"I have to pee." She said, "Can I be let out?"

"I'd have to follow you to do that."

Even with the door between us, I could still hear her small curses.

"You gonna wipe me too?" Her sarcasm earned an eye roll from me. "I just need to use the bathroom and go back to my room. Please..."

I left her in silence for a couple of minutes, knowing my attitude wasn't making this better.

Another small knock followed.

"I wanted to make popcorn. I've got a movie running."

I sighed, hesitant to inquire, but I know she felt bad and was trying to hold a conversation to make up for it.

"What movie...?"

"Infinity War. Makes me cry every time, but it's a cinematic masterpiece."

I heard the smile in her words, catching myself almost doing the same.

"I hear ya."

"It's been a while since I've been to the theaters too, so some popcorn would really help. I ran out of ice cream."

I nodded, "I'll get it for you."

She muttered a soft 'thank you' as I quickly got her the popcorn from their kitchen. Heat rose at the tips of my ears from hearing her voice.

Something about the softness of her voice triggered something within me, but I ignored the feeling.

I walked back, feeling the burn of the popcorn on my fingertips, "Crack the door. This shit kinda burns."

She laughed, poking her hand out from the door and then closing it once more, "I know your old man fingers can handle it."

"Fuck off. I'm younger than I sound." I let out a small laugh.

"You gonna prove it?"

I smirked at her tone, "I'm sorry, princess. Daddy's orders."

"I haven't locked the door, yet. So when you've decided to rebel, you can come in at any time."

"Or we can continue this conversation behind the doors. Just talk, and I'll listen." I held onto my composure but the temptation was oddly strong. I wanted to see her, but I knew it would be brief and I shouldn't get too attached.

What the fuck was wrong with me?

After a couple of hours, I checked my watch. 11 o'clock and it was time for me to clock out.

The TV was turned up for me to hear through the door but was turned down as soon as you knocked.

"You fell asleep."

"I was just resting my eyes..." I could hear the tired slur in her words.

"Creative," I smiled, "I have to go, princess. Someone's gonna take over the night shift for me."

"As expected." she said, "Thanks for being here."

"I could say the same thing." I got up, "Get some sleep, okay?"

"Goodnight, old man."

"Sleep well."

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