Chapter 1: The Beginning

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"You ready son?"

    Jongseong turned around from looking at his reflection in the window.


      Mr. Park made his way to his son who was already in his black suit and tie. He took a deep breath before hugging his son tight.

"You've grown up so fast". His words left him a little bit choked up. That man has always been there for him. From the very first moment he was born, his parents raised him with all their love and attention. The thought of never having his parents by his side filled his heart with pain.

"Thank you appa. For raising me", Jongseong whispered. After a few more seconds, Mr. Park let go and gave him one last pat on the back before leaving to enter the venue.

     Jongseong took a deep breath. He was nervous. He glanced down at his gloved hand. Inside he could feel it start to sweat. He would normally be okay with any other event but not for today's event. It was a wedding. And it was none other than his own wedding. This time it wasn't just about a business deal between a company that's worth millions. This time he will be married by the law as well.

'Shit! Don't tell me I'm making the wrong decision!' he mentally cursed himself. He quickly snapped out of his thoughts when the MC announced the groom's entrance.

'I'm the groom! Damn it, Jongseong!' he cleared his throat and made his way into the huge outdoor greenhouse where the grand wedding was held. The venue was full of guests, most of them were his father's business partners. He could see some media reporters and camera flashes. IIt made him uncomfortable, to say the least but it was expected as his father's tech company was one of the huge players in the industry.

     Jongseong kept on walking with the best smile he could muster. The music started playing. Everyone cheered for him. And he finally arrived at the altar.

    The MC announced the bride's entrance and everyone turned at the other end of the altar. The twin door opened to reveal a young woman holding a bouquet of baby's breath. She had on an elegant off-shoulder white dress and a crown made out of white roses. Her long black hair was styled elegantly and her lips were painted in pink lipstick. The younger woman looked stunning. For a moment, Jongseong went blank.

    Beside the younger woman was her father, Mr. Lee.

     The bride slowly walked towards the groom accompanied by her father. Guests cheered and both of their parents shed tears of happiness.

    Jongseong bowed to Mr. Lee and the older guy smiled and patted his back. "Take care of my daughter"

"With all my heart, sir" Jongseong replied. Mr Lee let go of his daughter's hand and placed them into Jongseong's.

     Jongseong bit his lips to hold his tears. Despite not knowing his future wife, he knew much that she was trying her best to hold back her tears too.

     The young woman turned to him. They met eyes for a bit before quickly turning to the front, facing the crowd.

    The MC continued to talk and Jongseong tried to pay attention, but nothing came to his mind. Until he felt a squeeze on his hand. He turned to his side to see the bride's orb staring at him. But so does everyone else.

"Sorry. I guess I was mesmerized by Haneul's beauty. I lost focus for a bit" he chuckled, which received laughter from the other guests.

    The ceremony proceeded. And the moment both of them wish never happened.

"Kiss the bride! Kiss the bride!" The guests cheered.

    Jongseong met Haneul's eyes. He pretended a shy laugh before awkwardly holding her shoulder. His other hand held her chin. Their faces were close enough for their noses to touch. They could feel each other's breathing.

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