Chapter 3

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"vacations have to leave"

I remember how nervous I was, perspiring in the weather, missing my family back in Argentina dearly. Anxious yet fearful of the responsibilities and new things that would come this year. I wasn't prepared; all I wanted was a better year than the previous one. Although it hadn't been bad, some traumas and unpleasant memories would occasionally haunt me.

"Matt, do you have everything ready?" said my mother in Spanish while preparing breakfast for me. English didn't pose any difficulties for me at all; I recall receiving many compliments on my good accent back in Argentina, almost native-like. I believe my mother and father are also proficient in the language, although we don't speak much English when we're together, mainly with my mom. We enjoy practicing and deepening our understanding of the language.

"Si mamá, estoy listo," I replied to my mother, saying, "Yes, Mom, I'm ready."
"Are you nervous?"
"Not at all, I think I'm very relaxed" (I was lying, I was EXTREMELY nervous). After months without seeing my friends, I was anxious. I kissed my mom on the cheek, she wished me good luck and said, "I love you."

Quickly, I boarded the bus, painted in a vibrant shade of yellow, reminiscent of American movies. As I got on the bus, I saw Bruce Schmidt, a friend of mine who is in the same class as me. We ride the bus together every day. He's much shorter than me, with chestnut hair and an excellent student in all subjects. Sometimes he shares anecdotes about his nerdy childhood, doing incredibly geeky things. The whole class knows he's a straight-A student, exceptionally intelligent and capable of anything. He can be a bit unbearable at times, with his nerdiness overwhelming me, but he's incredibly funny, ironic, and friendly.

Together, we embarked on this journey, riding the yellow vessel through the meandering roads. The bus hummed with anticipation, like a song waiting to be sung. Its wheels rolled along the pavement, leaving traces of excitement and possibilities in their wake. The air inside was filled with a blend of anticipation, youthful banter, and dreams yet to be realized.

"Hello, Bruce, how were your vacations?"
"Quiet but very enjoyable, and yours?"
"Same here. I traveled to Brazil, and it was also my birthday."
"Yes, I remember. Did you greet me through a message?"
"Yeah, I did," I chuckled softly. Everything felt so fresh and tranquil for some reason.

"I visited my grandparents. They live in a village about half an hour from here."
"That's cool," I replied to Bruce. We didn't have much contact over the summer, although he had suggested going out for ice cream once. Unfortunately, nobody was available, so it never happened, and we didn't get to see each other.

As the sun gently bathed us in its warm embrace, our conversation continued to flow like a serene river, meandering through memories and shared experiences. It was as if time had paused momentarily, allowing us to savor this precious moment of connection.

Bruce's words painted vivid pictures in my mind, transporting me to the quaint village where his grandparents resided. I could almost feel the gentle breeze rustling through the trees, carrying with it the nostalgic scents of childhood summers. It was a place where time seemed to slow down, allowing for meaningful conversations and the creation of lasting memories.

When we arrived at school, I felt an aura of freshness, a promising future, free from drama or gossip, incredibly peaceful, and accompanied by my friends 100%. As soon as I arrived, I saw my best friend, Sophia, and we shared a tight embrace. Sophia was not only my best friend but also the girl and person I trusted the most in school. It was a connection with another person, a companionship where we could laugh until our ribs hurt. That's how I felt with her—a strong friendship in my eyes.

Eliza and Agostine were also there, two girls who were in the same class as me and belonged to the same group. If I count myself, Sophia, Venceslao, Milena, Agostine, Eliza, Jayden, Josie, and me, we were a group of eight. After losing several friendships before last year started, they were a great comfort and a wonderful companionship in class.

"Wow, Agostine, did you cut your hair?" Eliza asked Agostine.
"Yes, I wanted a change of look, and this is how it turned out."
"It looks so much better like this, short hair," Sophia said.
"Thanks, it's a really big change," Agostine replied.

The reunion was lovely. I spoke with Venceslao and Jayden, my closest friends, and with Sophia, my best friend. I also talked to Milena, who looked more beautiful than ever after the summer. Vencen still had feelings for her, but it didn't matter. We didn't fight over it.

Josie remained quiet and in her own world. She had always been disconnected from the group. Eliza was always cool, incredibly funny, and had zero problems. I really liked her, and she was one of my best friends. Since it was the first day, we would finish classes earlier, so Sophie, Agos, Eliza, and I planned to have ice cream at a nearby ice cream parlor. Accidentally, we mentioned our plans while Josie was there.

"I think the ice cream is cheaper there," Eliza suggested, proposing ice cream parlors.
"Maybe, I think..." I stopped talking because I realized Jo was next to me, and she hadn't been invited.
Josie didn't say anything; she acted as if it didn't matter that we hadn't invited her. I think she speaks so little that we had forgotten to include her. We ignored it and pretended we had never mentioned it.

We didn't invite Milena either because she had issues with us. Agostine was her best friend within the school, or rather, her sidekick. She got angry at Milena for several unpleasant behaviors, just like Sophia, Eliza, and I did. However, Eli and I were able to forgive her quickly and let it go, but Sophia had a bit more difficulty with it.

"So, what did you do this summer, Millie?" I asked Milena, hoping to have something to talk about.
"I went to Europe and Brazil. I think we didn't coincide in terms of dates and places in Brazil. You went earlier and to a different part, I believe."
"Yeah, I think so. Which parts of Europe did you visit?"
"I went to Paris, Madrid, and Rome, I think. It was all so beautiful."

I could sense that Milly was uncomfortable, but it seemed like the typical nervousness of the first day. Or maybe I was just fantasizing that she might have a little crush on me, which would explain those sweet glances.

"You have to see my pool. I painted and cleaned it during the summer. Oh, right, I sent you a photo while on vacation," Sophia said as we sat together.
"That's cool. Invite me over; I don't have a pool."
"No," Sophia said ironically. She was going to invite me.

Everything was going smoothly. During the short break before leaving, I ran into Maggie and Steph.
"Hey, girls, how are you?"
"Heyyyy, dying of heat, but good," Stephanie said, giving me a little hug. She's very affectionate.
"Hey, Mia," Maggie said, jokingly referring to the fake girl we created on summer.
"Oh, come on, Maggie, nobody has to know it was us."
"I know, I know, I was just kidding."
"I hope so. Don't tell anyone," Stephanie said, and we laughed a bit, realizing how sweaty we were and joking that we looked like cows.

Everything was going wonderfully, and I hoped the rest of the year would continue that way. I had high hopes. Suddenly, the bell rang, indicating it was time to go. Eliza, Agostine, Sophia, and I headed straight to the ice cream parlor to get some treats. Everything was so joyful and carefree, and I hoped it would stay that way. But sometimes, things don't turn out as we expect. Everything can change.

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