Part 2 Dark and Down

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Down ... into the hole in the floor. Sides damp, but a different smell here.

Skittering from the rats as they evade a new predator.

Dark, but so used to it. I see the world now with sound and touch.

Wish I hadn't eaten the boots all that time ago, could sure use them now.

Feet repaired, but baby skin is where callouses used to be.

A bundle at a juncture of tunnels. Must be stuff from my saviors. Leave it, not mine.

Smell of old sewage and newer death. Oh ... a Goblin body in the darkness.

Have to be quieter, if there are Goblins here ... giggle ... well, there were Goblins here.

Her in the green and brown, and him in the dark. "Who are they?" I wonder.

Brave to risk entrance in such a manner. Silently, in the dark of night.

Really I don't even know if it's day or night. Could be the end of time.

A time where day and night leave forever, and Gods come to reclaim their children.

Another memory ... at my writing desk, and the boy coming in.

Woman says, "Sorry ... he just wants to see you." I take him in my arms ... so small.

I try to steer the memory's vision to the desk. What was I writing? Was I a writer before?

A page ... prose of some kind. Was I a poet?

The room was sparce, but clean and kempt. Signs of a cluttered mind.

Clean space, cluttered mind. Cluttered space ... that's probably a cluttered mind too.

There is something soft, and it rolls under my foot. I feel of it ... a serpent.

No doubt killed by the two. I bring it with. Might need a meal soon, never know.

Water splashing ahead, not much, but moving. It has a cleaner smell and I sip.

Oh Gods ... it is cool, and has a slight taste of the minerals it passed through. Wonderful.

I wash the serpent in the running water. Haven't washed anything for a long time.

I put my face under the flow too ... feels so good.

Don't stop there ... my hair, my neck ... the places that are crusted with filth.

Stinging in the spots where the skin is raw and peeling from the nasties. Still feels good.

Thinking, "I should have taken stuff from the dead Goblin ... I'm not going back."

Beginning to make out things with my eyes as I continue.

It's better this way ... slowly adjusting to a lighter environment.

In a natural cavern now, a slow trickle of water at my feet, searching for the way out.

I follow the water, it has to escape somewhere.

Ropes coiled in the floor with another bundle of stuff. I can't help but look this time.

Throwing knives, arrows, vials of something, round balls of something wrapped in leather.

Best leave stuff alone ... they wouldn't leave it here if they weren't coming back.

Another fifty feet, and a light ahead ... slowly ... slowly.

It's the moon of Tamm. Oh blessed moon ... heart of poets ... and lovers.

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