Forever ... The Oubliette

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Darkness fills the pass of time

Tracing the roundness of space

The sliminess of the floor

Flat, and has nowhere to drain

Stones that fit tight together

Rising to heights out of reach

Squeals of the hunting rodents

Break on the lofty silence

Fighting over hapless prey

Fluttering wings of the moth

So subtle in the darkness

Pain is not gone, just muffled

Thirst is always on my mind

Hunger dulls with passing time

Sores grow from filth on my skin

Will I live to see the Sun

Or die always in darkness

Food for all those hungry rats

Where is this place I've been thrown

A place to be forgotten

Forever ... the Oubliette

Jassron, Son of Jassron the Elder

The Oubliette at Ak Min TorWhere stories live. Discover now