Chapter Three

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Both Jacob and Emma took cautious steps as they walked down the darkened corridor, following after the mysterious woman, who's name was still unknown to them. They soon reached the part of the hallway that she'd disappeared from and to their left was a doorframe that lead into a room not to dissimilar from a living room.

As they both entered, the darkness was still as bleak as in the hallway but as their gazes travelled across the room, a spark of light burst in one corner and it was the Edwardian lady bending down and lighting several candles around the room with a single splint.

"I do apologies for the darkness, but I'd rather not have the window's uncovered," Her voice was calm and her apology appeared genuine and true to what she'd said, the windows were indeed covered from top to bottom by curtains. Even still Emma and Jake stood warily by the doorway, to shaken by the last few days to trust anything or anyone anymore.

Then she walked over to where the two peculiars still remained, holding a candle in her hand and then saying, "Oh, do come sit," She walked over to the centre of the room where two couches sat parallel to one another and after placing the candle down on a side table she sat.

In a moment of relapse Emma looked to Jacob for assurance, that it was okay to move from the security of the doorway, to sit as instructed. Then when Jake answered her silent question with a slight nod of his head, the two of them walked further into the expanse of the room and sat side by side, on the coach opposite to where the older woman sat.

There was an awkward silence that followed their seating and it seemed each minute was passing without someone cutting into the silence. When it didn't look as if anyone was going to speak up, Jake took initiative and asked the first of many question he had floating around his head, "Who are you?"

"Ah yes, straight to the introductions then," The brunette met Jakes eyes, as if introducing herself was a painful thing to say. "My name is Suthena Damar, a pleasure to meet you both," She smiled politely at the two who sat in front of her, before leaning forward and extending her hand out. After Shaking both Jacob and Emma's hand, the woman now known as Suthena, pulled back and continued to speak.

"As I made clear before, I'm aware of who you are young lady but I haven't the faintest idea as to who you are young man." Her voice still remained polite, but there was a clear frustration she had at not knowing who Jacob was. It wasn't that she was angry about it necessarily but instead that she hated her own lack of knowledge surrounding the boy.

"Well I'm-" Jake began to say but was quickly cut off by Emma's arm that was pressing against his side, a clear indication that she didn't think it was a smart idea to give his name away so easily.

"How do you know who I am first," Emma said every bit as confidant and authoritative as she'd ever been. The cold look she was sending towards Miss Damar was clear enough that Emma wasn't sitting here for pleasant conversations but instead for answers and explanations.

"I suppose I should have started with that," Miss Damar answered, her cheeks turning the slightest shade of pink for her apparent rudeness towards the blonde girl. Her hands sat in her lap for a moment as she thought over how to explain it.

After no more than exactly twenty five seconds, Miss Damar got herself up from the couch she had been occupying and began to walk over to a set of draws, that sat to the left of the mantle that hung above the fire place.

A clear rustling sound could be heard as she searched through draws looking for something in particular. As she went about the task of retrieving whatever she needed, Emma and Jacob quickly faced each other and being careful to not be over heard Jacob whispered, "Do you think this is a good idea?"

Emma's expression shifted for a time then and her face became softer and slightly more worried as she thought the question over. "No, not really but we've already sealed ourselves in," Then she took a deep breath to steady herself, "And anyway she knows who I am and I want to know why."

That seemed to be all the confirmation Jake needed before giving Emma a quick nod and a reassuring squeeze of her hand. Thankfully the two had stopped whispering just in time, as Suthena had found whatever it was she was looking for and was now walking back towards them with an old ornate wooden box in her hands.

"Apologies for the wait," She quickly spoke before retaking her seat on the opposite couch, "It's been a while since I've had this out." She didn't look at either of them as she spoke, instead favouring to stare down at the wooden box that now sat in her lap, a fond smile gracing her lips.

After a moment or two passed it seemed the brunette pulled herself from her thoughts and returned to the present, as she quickly unlocked the box and opened its lid. Then placing the wooden object down on the low table that separated the two couches, she placed her hand inside and then pulled out what appeared to be a piece of old paper.

"Here," She spoke handing the piece of paper over to Emma, the blonde hesitantly taking it from the woman's hand and bringing it closer to herself. Thankfully the quantity of candlelight that surrounded the room, was enough to illuminate the small space area, allowing Emma to look at what she held in her hands properly.

It took a moment for the realisation to hit but once it did Emma -in a moment of shock- almost dropped what she had been holding to the floor. 
Hey guys, I hope you all enjoyed this update. I know it's been a while since I posted so I'll try and update again later today. Until next time fellow readers.

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