The Introduction of Yin and Yang

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"Please, come in, come in! There's plenty of room in this tent, I promise. Everyone can witness the spectacle of the amazing Mastermind!"

Throngs of circus guests filtered into the expansive, white tent. A mother admonished her child as the carefree kid almost knocked over one of the support poles. A group of twenty-somethings pulled out their smartphones, preparing to steal clips of the show with irreverent conspicuity.

A lone man watched everything from the back wall. The weight of his past hung on him like an oversized coat, betraying his age. Some attendees noticed him, noticed his odd choice in headwear, and failed to hide their confusion or disgust. He allowed a gentle smirk to break his otherwise stoic countenance. As the tent reached capacity, he looked to the stage.

"Thank you, thank you! I am the amazing Mastermind, and I am so grateful to have you all here! Let's get right into it; do I have a volunteer?"

While half the kids averted their eyes in discomfort, the other half raised their hands in earnest. A couple young adults also raised their hands, drawing glares from parents.

"Yes, let's go with you," Mastermind decided with an outstretched hand. A blonde boy ran to the stage and clambered up. "What's your name?"

"Shouldn't you know?!" a heckler called.

Unfazed, Mastermind explained, "I like to get to know my volunteers. Their comfort up on stage not only makes my job easier but makes the experience more memorable." He paused as the crowd applauded. "Now, what is your name?"

"Cole!" the boy answered, not realizing how much the microphone amplified his shout.

Mastermind twisted a finger in his own ear with comedic exaggeration. "I love that you're excited, Cole, but the microphone will shout for you, okay?"

"Okay!" Cole replied, only slightly less loudly.

"Now, I want you to think of a number. Any number. Really picture it, okay?" He gestured to the open air above the crowd. "Picture it up there, above the crowd, okay?"


After a beat, Mastermind asked, "Do you have it?"


"Okay, don't forget it. I'm going to think for a moment and try to guess it." Mastermind made several wild gestures, physically displaying his deep concentration. The crowd guffawed. "Alright, I have it! Is it... 38?"

"Yes!" Cole shouted. "How did you do that?!"

Mastermind took a bow to mild applause. "Now, let's kick it up a notch. I want you to imagine another number, Cole. It can't be 38; it has to be a different one. Remember, picture it in the space above the crowd."

Cole squinted for a moment then confirmed, "Ready!"

"Wonderful! Now, don't tell me it. Just keep it in mind." Mastermind pulled out a small notepad and a thin marker. "In fact, I want you to write it down. This is a blank notepad, folks," Mastermind demonstrated to the crowd with a flourish of the sheets. "So, Cole, please write down your number. Don't tell me; don't show me."

Cole took the pad and marker, got off his stool, and used the stool as a table. Mastermind made a show of looking away from Cole and up at the ceiling in the opposite direction. "Okay," Cole eventually said. "Do you want me to close it?"

"Yes!" Mastermind confirmed. "Yes, please." He turned around, took back the closed pad and marker, and looked away from his own chest as he put them back in his shirt pocket. "Alright, I need another volunteer!" He paused as the same reactions unfolded. "Let's go with you!" he once again gestured with an outstretched hand. A curly-haired college student hustled to the stage. "Your name, please?"

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