To Finally Be Free

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Written on 06/05/23

It was forbidden,
The love that I felt for you.
It was against all of my childhood beliefs.
Beliefs that aren't mine,
But the ones of people in my proximity,
Beliefs they forced upon me.

I didn't know how my feelings came to be.
My thoughts, an army fighting against my heart.
The voices inside my head,
Snickering and bickering disgustingly.

I never got to tell you what you meant to me.
Instead, I turned you into the enemy,
But reality,
The enemy is actually me.

I cared too much,
Of what other people say.
I try and try,
Not to let it hurt me more,
It doesn't help,
That I'm a pathological people pleaser.

Feelings haven't changed.
I still develop them for,
People the same as me.
Same sex gender as me.

I keep that part of me hidden away,
I only share it with the people closest to me.
I'm waiting for the day,
That I'm on my own,
To love the people I want,
To finally be free.

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