Chapter 1

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In the sprawling metropolis of Neo-York, where the impossible seemed ordinary, an unassuming young man named Demetri lived a decidedly normal life. Demetri, though typically quiet and unassuming, was known for his exceptional humor and love for creating videos. In stark contrast to his ordinary existence, he was the reincarnation of the God of War Demetrius - a fact unbeknownst to him.
One ordinary day, his world was flipped upside down by the arrival of Kanna. She was a rare blend of divinity and demon hood, a celestial enigma that radiated an ethereal charm. With her voluptuous figure and bewitching beauty that outshone any earthly comparison, Kanna was an epitome of divine allure. Yet, despite her mature appearance, Kanna was surprisingly naive about human customs and anything remotely sexual, a contrast that was as baffling as it was endearing. Their first encounter was anything but ordinary. A cataclysmic battle against the malevolent Moros in the heart of Neo-York, a skirmish that shook the foundations of Demetri's reality. The aftermath was equally extraordinary. Kanna used her divine powers to restore Neo-York and caused its inhabitants to perceive the battle as a mere nightmare, a collective dream etched in the city's psyche. Post the city's restoration, Kanna was eager to delve deeper into Demetri's life, curious about his friends, their interactions, and the ordinary joys of human life. Among them were Nicole, Sean, Julia, Colin, and Kiriakos, also known as Jack. Each with their unique quirks and personalities, they formed a part of Demetri's cherished circle.

"So, Demetri," Nicole began, her voice full of mischief, "This mysterious girlfriend of yours... Have you two already, you know..." She left the sentence hanging, her suggestive grin causing Demetri to blush furiously.

"Nicole! Can't you find something else to joke about?" he retorted, trying to deflect her teasing. Julia rolled her eyes, chiming in with her usual brusqueness.

"As if anyone here cares about your love life, Demetri."

Colin jumped at the chance to diffuse the tension. "You know, Demetri," he said, grinning widely, "If Kanna is anything like a video game boss, you've got a lot of grinding to do!"

The arrival of Kanna at this juncture left them in a state of awe, their teasing ceasing as they took in her divine beauty. Demetri, with a tender smile on his face, introduced her, "Everyone, meet Kanna."This marked the beginning of their shared saga, a story that transcended the bounds of the cosmos, a tale that was as epic as it was heartwarming. As they journeyed together, the shadow of Kanna's dormant demonic form lurked in the background, waiting for a trigger to unleash her untapped potential.

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