Chapter 3

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The night wound down, but the echo of laughter and camaraderie lingered in the air. As the group disbanded, Demetri walked Kanna home, the quiet of the night a stark contrast to the earlier cacophony. They walked in companionable silence, their minds reflecting on the day's events. Kanna, being a divine, was unaccustomed to such mundane human activities, yet she found an unexplainable charm in it.

When they reached Kanna's temporary earthly abode, she turned towards Demetri, her celestial eyes sparkling under the soft glow of the streetlights. 

"I had a lovely time, Demetri," she said, her voice warm and soft. "Your friends are... interesting."

Demetri chuckled. "That's one way to put it. They're a bit overwhelming, but they mean well."

"I can see why you cherish them," Kanna said. "They make life... vibrant."

Her earnest appreciation of his world touched Demetri. He nodded, a gentle smile gracing his features. 

"They do. And I hope you will, too."

With a tender goodbye, Kanna disappeared into her dwelling, leaving Demetri alone with his thoughts under the star-studded sky. As he walked back, a resolve hardened within him. He would protect Kanna, this blend of divinity and demon hood, this woman who was gradually becoming his world.Meanwhile, the stirrings within Kanna grew more intense. The forgotten demonic part of her seemed to sense the growing bond between her and Demetri. It was a force beyond her comprehension, and the lack of control frightened her. Kanna was a divine, a nearly omnipotent entity, yet this internal turmoil made her feel unsettlingly human.As the Neo-York skyline loomed against the darkened sky, an unspoken pact was being forged between Demetri and Kanna. They were each other's solace, strength, and, unbeknownst to them, future challenges. Their tale was entwined in the tapestry of the cosmos, an epic saga that was far from its denouement.

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