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CASTLE OF KAMPERA, a must visit place of glorious history and architectural wonder. This phenomenal monument standing against test of time was the abode of the great kampera king Alaistar camper (it is believed, the name of the city was derived from him) of Sesbon dynasty. And this very place was the birth place and nucleus of kampera. Now, it is located on the east side of the city, where you find abandoned streets, rackets of garbage and lower strata kamperans.

07 JULY 2021                            09:05 A.M.


This message from some unknown number was used as bearings by Arnold Gilbert. He was in smart casuals with a navy blue rain jacket on.

BY 9

He should have been in time, but the rain and the traffic were holding him back. As soon as he reached the hotel, he ran to the entry door, after valet parking.

ROOM 201, LV 5

He clarified the room's location with the reception. Seeing the message, as he caught a lift. He clicked on 5 button and calmed his inner punctual self.

He knocked the mahogany door of room 201. A person holding trays of Elite's coffees in his two hands was approaching, suddenly halted and turned back as if he forgot something to get.

"Get in." A bold voice said with a hint of seriousness.

In short of breath, he took some deep breaths calmly after entering the room. A man was sitting in a huge wingback rolling chair facing his back.

"What's the time?" The man said in an intentional asserting tone.

Some hushing noises, maybe from the lobby, were subtly audible.

"See, I know, I'm a bit late but I don't want to start on a wrong foot."

"Huh, a bit late, you say,... but you're still late, I say." The voice sure made him look superior to him.

"Okay, fine, I'm late but I got a thing, very...Important. You may find it interesting." Said getting back to him.

"A THING?... INTRESTING?... Is it of any worth?" His chair moving right and left.

"Maybe" said after thinking for a bit.

//A bit of silence (indicating the setup)

"I don't work on 'maybe's', my boy. But , I want to give you a chance. I want to trade your thing."

"It's funny... Why not, what's the deal?" Arnold was at the edge of smiling.

"Your death for ...the thing."

The man turned his chair and was about to point his gun, but Arnold was already with his gun.

"Cut...the best, best, I say, awesome." Said the director coming out the next room.

THREE MURDERS OF KAMPERAWhere stories live. Discover now