Four Years Later

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- "honestly, I can't even begin to comprehend how you could forgive me after everything I did... especially towards you"

"Oh, my-"

"Let me finish"

The young woman in front of him just nodded with tears in her eyes

"I was a downright git... a bully... a monster... a death eater, and yet... you spoke up for me... you took my stubborn arse in... even when we still hated each other, you reached in and pulled my head out of my arse by force"

The crowd around them chuckled

"you changed me... you made me a better man... you showed me a better way to live... helped me to find a job, encouraged me to make, and keep, good friends"

The Potters and Weasleys smiled at the couple

"you became my family when I had none left... you showed me what a true Christmas was like, and I swear, I'll never forget my first-time Trick-or-Treating... I swear, those old folks still think we were oversized ten-year-olds"

Another round of chuckles... including from the beauty in front of him

"you reformed me... encouraged me... inspired me... and made me fall so hard for you, I'm surprised I'm not at the center of the earth... how you could see the good in me after... after everything... I may never understand it... for ten years I've had to live under your careful watch. The first year... we spent going from enemies to acquaintances. The next two, from acquaintances to friends. The next year from regular friends to best friends, with me trying so hard not to think about you in any other way than that... with me trying to convince myself that being best friends was enough... but the more I denied myself, the harder I fell, and boy did I fall hard, before YOU actually kissed ME first... and that was all it took. You took away every doubt, every fear, every self-cautious thought I had with just that one single kiss. The final five years... they have been some of the happiest times of my life. For five glorious, blissful years, I have loved you, and continue to love you more and more with each passing day. You are my dream. You are my future. And I can't imagine a life without you in it. So..."

The young woman gasped

"Hermione Jean Granger... will you marry me?"

"Oh Draco" Hermione cried, throwing her arms around her boyfriend's shoulders "YES!!!"




Draco groaned as he stretched "Herms... what time is it?"

"I don't know. I can't Read Yet!"

Draco chuckled at the toddler's giddy response before looking at the clock. Groaning again, he slowly wiped his hand down his face before opening his eyes to see the bushy brunette toddler in front of him "And why, pray tell, should I wake up yet?" he asked with a smirk

The toddler gasped dramatically "DADDY, HOW COULD YOU?! IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!"

Draco chuckled as he shot up and tackled the little one with tickles, causing the child to giggle galore "Ah, yes. Now I remember" he grinned while still playing with his child "today's the day you get FOUR blows and a pinch"

"NOOOOO!" the child giggled as Draco suddenly lifted the child's shirt and blew four blueberries on the child's tummy, causing the giggles to turn into full-blown-out laughs. Hard to believe his baby was four years old already. Then he playfully pinched his little's hip and sat up "Now to your room. I want to see your clothes for the day on, your blankie and pillow up on your bed, and your toys in their box"

You Look Like Me - A Dramione FanficWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt