Page 1: New beginnings Same town

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I'm standing in front of my childhood home frozen as if my worst fear was behind that door, in reality it's my brother and sister, elena and jeremy.

I'm excited and also afraid of facing them after being away for so long, after our parents death i was in disbelief and shock. The grief was too much, aunt jenna thought it would be good i go away to stay with family members some states away for as long as i needed. I called elena and jeremy almost everyday updating them on my life, elena told me about how she met this guy named stefan who is now her boyfriend im happy for her, she seems like shes doing better, the wounds are still there of our parents death but we are learning how to greive and live with it.

So here i am walking up to the front door, just when i was about to reach for the door knob the door was slung open by elena before i could say a word she pulled me into a tight embrace. "Jo i missed you so much" elena said in a sincere tone. "elena you dont know how much i missed u" i said pulling away from the hug.

i heard the thumping of shoes coming down the stairs, it was jeremy he had a bright smile on his face "josephine, i missed you big sis." jeremy said in a cheery tone. "i missed you too jer." i said, it was true i missed them so much, i was so scared they would resent me for leaving after our parents passed, but here i am in my siblings arms, i know now they dont blame me for leaving.

 i have always had a terrible temper, when i found out about mom and dad i lashed out hurting everyone around me with my words, my ablilties flared up bad my temper spiked them, i would have nightmares and when i woke up things were thrown across the room, glass broken, i would force myself to stay awake to minimize the damage and keep the nightmares away, but it was temporary like most things.

I distanced myself from my family and friends, until jenna finally snapped and told me she thought it was best i go away from mystic falls for sometime, i agreed with her it took some time but here i am back in my hometown. Im eager to reunite with friends and adjust my life back here in mystic falls.

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