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After we ate at the diner, Ezra drove all of us to the party. The car was silent as he drove, only with the sound of Atticus making small comments to us every once in awhile. When we arrived at the party you could hear the music from down the block, playing some trashy pop song. I glanced over at Sarah nervously, but she was looking out the window of the car bouncing with excitement. As I began to look away I caught Ezra's eyes looking at me in the rear view mirror. I gave him a small nervous smile before looking out the window as he pulled into a space about a block away from the party itself.

We climbed out of the car and I adjusted my dress, before shutting the door and turning towards my friends standing on the sidewalk. I walked up to them and Ezra locked the car. We began walking towards the party, Sarah excitedly talking to Atticus about how much fun everyone was going to have tonight. I gulped as we began to near it and gasped when I felt Ezra nudge me with his arm.

I glanced over at him and he grabbed my arm, slowing me to a stop as I watched Atts and Sarah continue walking. "Hey, if you want to leave at any point or if you get uncomfortable, come find me," He said as he bent, lowering his mouth to my ear as he spoke. I nodded and he rolled his eyes, muttering the words 'verbal conformation'. That was something he had always done, despite us not liking each other, he always offered to take me home if I got uncomfortable or irritated. "Alright, I'll come find you if either of those things happen," I spoke lightly and he nodded his head, before walking towards the party again.

I took a deep breath before following behind him. He paused before the steps of the frat house, motioning for me to walk in front of him. I gulped as I stepped in front of him and felt my face start to heat up when he placed his hand on the small of my back, leading me into the house. His hand moved off my back as he pointed into the crowd, and I followed where he was pointing with my eyes. I saw Sarah talking with Alec who was dressed as Fred. I smiled when I saw them and turned, thanking Ezra before I made my way through the crowd. "Hey Alec," I said as I stopped to stand in next to Sarah. "Well hello there Daphne," Alec joked and I laughed as he wrapped his arms around Sarah and I.


I groaned as I continued to look around for anyone I knew, we'd been here for about four hours now and I was getting tired. Sarah and Alec had been full blown drunk the last time I had seen them, with me being slightly tipsy. "Where the fuck are you guys?" I mumbled, moving through the crowd of people on the stairs as I made my way back down them. It seems that this feat was going to be more difficult than anything, considering all I wanted was to go home. I spotted Ezra in the middle of the crowd and sighed before pushing my way towards him. "Ezra!" I called, but he didn't seem to notice. "Ezra!" I practically screamed over the music, causing him to look around. He looked almost frightened, until his eyes met mine. He grabbed my arm, pulling me flush against his chest and away from the crowd. "You want to leave?" He asked and I just nodded.

"We just have to see if Atticus wants a ride first, is that alright?" He asked, brushing a hair from the wig out of my face. "Yeah," I almost whispered as my face began to heat up slightly. He held me closely to him as we pushed through the crowd, headed towards the kitchen. When we entered the kitchen I smiled slightly when I saw Atticus, until he moved and I saw who he was talking to.

"The fuck?" Ezra and I said at the same time, glancing at each other before glancing back towards the pair in front of us. "That's Madison, isn't it?" I asked Ezra and he nodded, glaring at her. "Want me to go ask Atts if he wants a ride?" I asked, and he glanced around at the crowd around us. "Be fast," Was all he said and I nodded, moving through the crowd to where Atts was standing with the She Devil. "Hey, Ezra and I are going to leave. Do you want a ride?" I asked when I reached him.

"Oh hey Tate, you've met Madison right?" Atticus slurred and I glanced at the blonde. "Yeah, I have," I said, looking back at him. "I don't need a ride, I want to stay a little while longer," Atts said, pulling Madison closer to his side. I shook my head and made my way back through the crowd to Ezra. He reached out and grabbed my hand, pulling me close to him again.

I had never been this close to him before, and I couldn't figure out why it was making me nervous. Must be the alcohol, I thought as he pulled me by the hand towards the door. I walked closely behind him until we got out of the frat house. I went to pull my hand out of his as we stepped out of the frat house, but he only held on tighter to my hand as he pulled me towards the sidewalk. We walked down the sidewalk hand in hand as we headed to his car.

He pulled the keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door and I smiled, pulling my hand from him and reached for the door. I was met by Ezra smacking away my hand and pulling the door open for me. I looked up at him, meeting his eyes. His eyes held an emotion that I couldn't quite place. "Get in the car Tater Tot," He spoke suddenly, his voice just above a whisper. I nodded slightly before climbing into the car and allowed him to shut the door. I felt my face heat us as he rounded the car and climbed in.

When we got to the apartment, Ezra led me up the stairs with his hand on the small of my back. I rubbed my hands up and down my arms as he unlocked the door before swinging it open. I followed him into the apartment, and I closed the door to the apartment softly. "Thank you for the ride," I said turning back around, fiddling with my fingers as I spoke. "No problem Tater Tot," He said and I glanced up with him, seeing a genuine smile on his face. It may have been the alcohol but I stumbled forward and wrapped my arms around his waist tightly as I hugged him. He stood there for a second, before wrapping his arms around me. He held me tightly and laid his head on top of mine, letting out a small sigh.

"I don't hate you," I whisper into his chest and he hums. "I just hate what you did," I say and pull away from the hug. He frowns, and so do I. But not for the same reason as him, I frown because his beautiful smile is gone and his eyes look sad. He look like he's about to say something but I fake a smile. "I'm tired and tipsy, I'm going to head to bed. Goodnight Ezra," I say and walk past him. "Goodnight Tater Tot," I hear him say as I walk into my room. I sit at the vanity and take of my makeup and the wig, with a sigh. I like you better as a brunette, Ezra's words echo through my head as I brush through my hair. I shake my head and stand up, pulling my dress off and changing into a shirt laying on my bedroom floor.

Then I quickly collapse into bed and close my eyes, waiting for sleep to take over.

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