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Dipcifica: Dipper x Pacifica
(Gravity Falls)

Do I ship it?

No. Absolutely not.

This is one of those ships that's just...forced on the fans. For MLP fans, it's like Flashlight. The writers force it to be canon, even if it doesn't really work.

And it does work. That's the problem. They're just too perfect for each other. Like Flashlight, they were only made to be the perfect match. Every good relationship has flaws, and this one just doesn't.

This is also why I ship Pacifica with Fem!Dip, but not regular Dipper. It gives it flaws. I mean, seriously. It leaves questions like "Is Pacifica even lesbian?" Or "Do they have to keep it a secret?"

But normal dipcifica just is. It has no flaws, it's scarily perfect. And that bothers me.

Dear Show Creators:
If you want to make a ship canon, give it flaws, goddamnit!

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