The Daughter Of Neptune

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Reyna wasn't sure what was wrong. There was just something strange in the air. She couldn't pinpoint it and it was making her anxious.

It had been a mere few days since the attack. Reyna wasn't sure where the hoards of monsters had suddenly appeared from to attack Camp Jupiter borders, but the mere fact that it had been a hoard of hundreds, made it pretty clear that the attack had been planned. A war was brewing; a war they still knew absolutely nothing about. The senate was constantly on edge looking for leaders who could help in the battle that seemed inevitable.

Three days ago, Reyna had watched an army of monsters gather at the entrance of Camp Jupiter. Two days ago, she had been raised on a shield and declared Preator. One day ago, her mother had paid her a visit and left her with a cloak and two dogs. The cloak had her blessing. The dogs, Aurum and Argentum, could detect lies. They were apparently great in battle too, though Reyna hoped she wouldn't have to test out that theory anytime soon. The legion needed rest. The attack had blindsided them. It had been out of nowhere and the camp had taken serious damage. They needed time to rebuild. And they needed time to figure out what exactly they were facing.

And thus, Reyna did not like this sudden unease that she was feeling. It was like a premonition of something important taking place. That, coupled with the number of strange happenings going around, hadn't helped. Like how a fraction of the monsters had suddenly turned away from the camp and towards the sea and then seemingly disappeared. The scouts had confirmed that they had found a trail of monster dust right to the beach when Reyna had sent them inspecting immediately after the battle, fearing they would be taken off guard again.

But the scout hadn't found the other monsters. Just dust. The Senate was now going berserk over the possible involvement of Neptune in some way, since the dust trail had led to the sea, and that wasn't necessarily good news for anybody. While Neptune had a lot of power when the Greeks ruled, the Romans had sort of sidlined him greatly. They did not have a good relationship with Neptune, the temple the God of Sea and Earthquakes had on temple hill was enough of a testament to that.

So Reyna sat in her new office, feeling uncomfortable and overwhelmed and desperately trying to find some answers.


Reyna startled at the formal greeting in that familiar voice. She looked up to see Jason Grace, her long time friend and the comrade she trusted most in battle, standing at the door, an unusually formal look on his face.

"What happened?", she asked, instantly picking up on his discomfort.

"There is -", he stopped and cleared his throat. "There is someone who desires to speak with you. She is outside the door. I don't know anything except what I figured out on my own. She refused to speak to anybody but you."

Reyna nodded, her gut telling her this was the every event she had been dreading since morning. Jason walked back to the door and opened it with a flourish.

The girl who stepped in, appeared to be a few years younger than her. She had a dusky complexion and something so familiar yet so unique about her features. Her electric green eyes were vivid and sharp in absolute contrast with the soft accepting smile on her face. Her hair, midnight blue, was gathered in a bun with two pins; one golden, the other bronze. Through it, Reyna could see some of the seashells that seemed to be woven through. She didn't seem to have any weapons on her.

What threw her off most about their new guest, was the way she radiated power. Reyna knew in her gut she wasn't anything completely out of the ordinary. She was just an extremely powerful demigod and reminded Reyna of Jason in more ways than one. But there was still something other about her. It was just how comfortable she seemed in her own skin. Demigods were often at odds with themselves and their powers. She wasn't. She was one with it. And even though she wasn't more powerful than a demigod, the amount of control she seemed to have over her powers would make her leathal. It was unnerving to say the least. Reyna couldn't let her leave here. That much she knew.

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