Chapter 2

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Jackson doesn't remember how he got here exactly. He's sat in the hospital waiting room with Lydia and his left and Danny of his right. Lydia is sat up as if she isn't wearing a dress ruined by blood, with a hand on his thigh. Danny is sat with one hand in his lap and the other on Jackson's back, trying to comfort him. They are both trying to get him to stop looking at his hands but he just...he just can't.

His hands, like Lydia's dress, Danny's shirt and both of their hands are covered in red. Covered in Stiles blood. Stiles...Stiles whose heartbeat he is listening to. He's so focused on Stiles' heartbeat that he isn't paying attention to the reassuring words that Lydia and Danny are saying to him.

Jackson's eyes flick to the direction of Stiles' heartbeat before going back to his hands. The blood is starting to dry and become crusty. But Jackson can still remember the feeling of Stiles blood, warm on his hands as it spilled through his fingers while they waited for the ambulance.

When Jackson got the call from Stiles, he wasn't going to answers it. Jackson doesn't think about how that would have ended, he can't, it would kill him. But he wasn't until he saw Lydia's glare as she scowled at the constant buzzing making him sigh and pick up the call.

Stiles' voice had been so weak, strained. Like with every word he spoke he was putting all of his energy into it. And his breathes were coming out in little gasps or grunts as he tried to get the words out. It was painful to listen to. To hear the way Stiles was struggling so hard to apologise of all things. He was dying and instead of telling Jackson where he was, he was apologising.

Jackson can't help but be grateful that he, Lydia and Danny were already in his Porsche and that they were at the gas station just five minutes away from the trail by the bridge. It made getting there quickly, easy. Not that it took them five minutes, more like one, maybe two. Jackson sped the whole way there, he couldn't not. Stiles was dying and he had to get there and save him because Stiles does not get to apologise and then die.

When they finally arrived Jackson ran, using all of his supernatural speed and quickly found Stiles. The boy was unconscious by the time that Jackson got to him, but he could still hear Stiles' heartbeat, just slightly but it was there. Danny arrived not to long after with Lydia in tow and the woman immediately started ordering them around. Jackson had to put pressure on Stiles' chest, Danny had to hold Stiles' arm together and Lydia made work on putting and keeping Stiles' intestines in him.

Danny and Lydia kept checking with Jackson that Stiles was really alive as they couldn't hear his heartbeat and the boy was ice cold to the touch. Jackson promised them that Stiles was alive, he could still hear his heartbeat and while weak, it was definitely there. They didn't seem to truly believe him until Lydia started putting more pressure on Stiles' stomach and the boy groaned.

Jackson feels his breath hitch as he loses Stiles' heartbeat for a second.

One...two...three...Come on Stiles...There, there it is.

Jackson breathes out in relief.

Jackson is so focused on Stiles' heart beating that he doesn't fully notice when the sheriff, Melissa and Scott enter the waiting room. He only starts paying half attention to them when he sees the sheriff's shoes in his line of sight.

"What exactly has my son done now and how are the three of you involved?" The sheriff asks, sounding...sounding resigned and disappointed and in no way worried. As if somehow, it's Stiles fault that he's in the hospital and not the rogue omega's fault or Scott's.

"Excuse me?" Jackson can hear Lydia ask incredulous.

"Miss Martin, I know my son..." The sheriff starts.

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