Chapter 5

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Stiles is sat down in the courtroom with Jackson sat one side of him, Derek and Peter the other and the rest of the pack sat down in the sets behind him. He has no idea how he got to this point. Okay that's not true he knows exactly how he got to this point.

After he shot Scott, it wasn't long until the police arrived on the scene, after all the new Hale house was closer to town. So, it isn't a surprise that someone reported the gunshot. One of the police that showed up was Stiles' father. Stiles will always wonder why his father felt the need to show up, maybe he thought it was hunters and wanted to be there in case he had to hide the supernatural from his deputies.

Anyway, Stiles' father took in the scene, Scott's dead body lying there and Stiles holding a gun in his shaking hand and had already made up his mind that Stiles was guilty. His dad, the man that was supposed to love him unconditionally, who was supposed to take care of him and nurture him and protect him arrested him on the spot.

The deputies tried to dissuade his father. Get him to wait until they had the story before making any arrests, but the man was adamant. It was a struggle getting him to the police station, with Stiles being in a wheelchair but his dad was stubborn and by God, he managed it. He marched Stiles into the station and put him in lockup before ordering Parish to write the report saying that he was the one that arrested Stiles.

Parish refused, in fact every single deputy refused point blank and even went so far as to threaten a massive quitting if the man tried to coerce them. As a result of this Stiles' dad had to call in police from the county over and get them to investigate the case.

The police investigated and came to the conclusion that it was self-defence. They were loathed to even put the case forwards for trial, but Stiles' father got in contact with Scott's father and Mr McCall put pressure on the officers via his FBI credentials.

So, it went to trial. During the case Stiles heard plenty. He heard character witnesses that came up and spoke about him. Stiles was genuinely surprised that so many people from Beacon Hill's came forwards to speak on behalf to Stiles. Even Melissa came forwards and told the jury about Scott and Stiles where both considered her sons despite one not being blood related and how horrified she with the behaviour Scott started to show before his death and that while Stiles may have been a bit of a troublemaker, he was never malicious.

The only ones that spoke up on behalf of Scott's character and disparaged Stiles was Stiles' father and Mr McCall but considering that Mr McCall hadn't seen his son in years his words didn't have the sway he wished they did. The prosecution loved to point out that Stiles' own father was speaking against him and that they man was a distinguished sheriff beloved by the community. Or at least the prosecution did until the defence started asking the sheriff questions pertaining to his parenting techniques and just how often the man was ever at home to ever actually you know see his son.

Stiles defence lawyer was good, one of the best in her field. Stiles had originally wanted Jackson's dad to be his lawyer but as the DA he couldn't. In fact the man had to go in front of the judge and explain that he couldn't be the prosecutor for the case as Stiles was dating his son. But the man did help Stiles find the lawyer for him by complaining at length about this one she-devil of a woman who could ruthlessly tear apart his cases. Stiles backed the man an apple pie for that.

During the case Mr Argent had to come on the stand and explain that he had given a gun to the Hale's for protection, but he hadn't given it to Stiles as the boy is a minor and that is very illegal. But he did admit to having taken Stiles shooting only to learn that Stiles already knew how because of the boy's own father.

Jackson was brought up onto the stand and explained how crazy Scott had been acting. How Scott had been blaming Stiles for everything wrong going on in his life. And how Scott had admitted to orchestrating Stiles' animal attack that Stiles was still getting treatment for.

When Stiles father was brought onto the stand the second time, Stiles broke down crying at how the man systematically disparaged everything good about Stiles in his effort to make Scott look like the golden boy. The man even said that Scott was the son he should have had. The gasp that came from the jury at that statement did not spell anything good for the prosecution.

Mr McCall got on the stand not once or twice but three times and each time he was scolded by the judge for being belligerent and stand-offish. At one point the judge even had the man put in jail for a night for contempt of court.

Anyway, by the end of the trial Stiles was found not guilty of murder. Stile and the pack celebrated the win as did the rest of the town. He was so happy, or at least he was until two days later when they got a letter from a lawyer stating that Stiles was still a minor and had to go back home to live with his father or they would call the police about kidnapping.

So, here Stiles is now. In the courtroom trying to get emancipated from his father. His father who is no longer the sheriff after being voted out by the people of Beacon Hills. Tara is now the new sheriff, and she has been written in on the whole supernatural stuff as has the rest of the deputies.

The judge walks into the room with a letter in his hand and sits down in his seat overlooking the court room.

"I have looked through the evidence that each party as submitted, and I have come to a decision." The judge pauses and Stiles grabs hold of Jackson's hand. "I will agree to the emancipation request on the grounds that Stiles continues living with the Hale's and he continues his high school education."

"That's fine by us your honour." Peter tells the judge.

"Of course, done. Thank you." Stiles breathes out before slumping into Jackson's side.

"Your honour!" Stiles' father starts but the judge bangs his gavel.

"I would be quiet if I were you Mr Stilinski. You have no idea how lucky you are that I'm not telling that boy to start a case against you for abuse and child neglect." The judge states. "You all may leave. Case dismissed."

The pack gets up from their seats happy as can be and they start to leave the courtroom.

"Your mother would be so disappointed in you." Stiles turns his head to face his father.

"No, I'm not the person she would be disappointed in. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go, I have a date with my fiancé." Stiles smirks before turning to Jackson.

"I'm ready whenever you are." Jackson smiles.

"I love you." Stiles says.

"I know." Jackson replies.

"Did you just Han Solo me?" Stiles laughs.

"I have no idea what you mean." Jackson lies.

"Okay, dork. Let's go." Stiles says before pulling Jackson out of the building and towards Jackson's Porsche, their rings glinting in the sunlight.


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Sorry for the abrupt ending, i'm not the best at them.

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