Untitled Part 2 cute but annoying makoto

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"byakuya chan!!!!"

Byakuya was ANGERY, Because makoto was annoying!!! like super!!!! he wanted to punched makoto, and kill him


Makoto started to sob, Not loud enough to alert anyone, But enough to make byakuya feel a bit, proud or sad, maybe proud maybe sad.

Makoto held onto byakuya, Making him him flich, byakuya was being  a little naughty now.

so he slapped him because he's byakuya togami the unlimate heir, 

mkaoto cried more all he wanted was for byakuya was to love him, instead he got this treatment, he loved him really, Ever since makoto laid eyes on him, he wanted to please him.

"go home cry baby na na na boo boo"

But something unexpected happend...

(naegami) My short 4'9 cutieWhere stories live. Discover now