The ceremony and the beginning of everything.

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It was a beautiful sunny day and I just woke up from my sleep. I streached and got off my bed. When my feet met the cold cloud, shivers ran up my spine. Yes, a cloud.

I am an angel, and no I am not like from the fairytales. I don't really have a pleasing face to look at, but in heaven it's normal. I have four wings and a multiple eyes, which are not on my face but on weird rounded thingies. I don't really know my self what that is, but it's helping me to see.

Anyways enough about my looks. As I was walking towards my door I grabbed my armor and sword. I jumped in the armor and started walking again. I opened the door. One of my eyes spotted something unusual in my house. It is normally spotless but on my table was an envelope. I take and open the envelope to see what it was saying.

"Good morning my dear sister in God,
I hope you had a wonderful sleep, if my memory is good I remember that you have a ceremony coming soon and I won't be able to come, but I wish you to make it. God may be with you for the rest of this day.

Your brother in God"

'Oh, the ceremony', I thought to my self. I almost forgot about it, but thanks to God I had my friend to remind me. We watchers, angels that look over people, don't have names. We don't mind, but sometimes it's difficult to write letters to each other or say our greetings.

I got little upset when I realized I will be there "alone". Not literally, but without my friend I felt I was gonna be alone. It was a very important ceremony. I will get my human to watch over. I didn't really want to mess it up, because practically it's my purpose of life.

But before the ceremony I've got a training and praying to do. So I made my hair, got into my shoes and went out. The sun light hit me in my multiple eyes, which blinded me for second, but soon I got used to it. I spread out my wings and flew to the gates of heavens. When I put my hand on the gates, they opened up so I could walk through.

Outside of the gates was my "trainer" already waiting for me. He was teaching me how to read person's mind.
Believe me, some sinners don't have the cleanest minds in the world. I was quite disgusted by some of the thoughts. I still don't understand how God can love people like that. Lord please forgive me for what thoughts I have.

After few courts I flew back through the gates and landed home. I started praying, that is the only thing that keeps me calm a focused. It took me few hours, so after that I flew straight to a palace, where the ceremony is going to be. There were already other watchers waiting for the start.

But something was wrong... I didn't know what, but I knew something bad was about to happened. I snapped out of my thoughts when the choir and trumpets started sound through the palace. The time has come. All of the "single" watchers got in line. Everyone else in the palace were watching us. The ceremony is very simple, one of the cherubs will call out to us and show who we are protecting.

One of the 4-headed angels pointed at me to come forward. But...I wasn't supposed to be first...I stepped forward feeling little unsure. And then it happened.
Chains flew from the back of the "angel" cuffing my hands. Everyone was panicking even the cherubs flew away leaving me behind.

"I finally got you..." The "angel" said with demonic voice. My eyes widened with fear. The chains getting tighter as I was pulling back. "Who are you?!" I said with strong voice echoing through the palace. I tried to reach my sword but I couldn't. "Oh you are a brave one aren't you?" He said mocking me. "Answer my question demon!" There was an anger in my voice. The demon in discuise laughed as he teared the angel skin from him revealing his true demonic form. "Belzebub..." There was still an anger in my voice. "That's right...and you are?" He said with his wicked voice. "The only person who gives questions is me! Not you demon!" I was filed with anger.

"Don't tell me what I can and cannot do! Remember I'm in the control now!" He said as I felt burning feeling on my wrists and ankles. "Now... Answer my question..." He said with malicious voice. "I- ugh- don't have a name..." I hissed in pain. "I see..." He responded.

After a few moments of akward silence the door of the palace flew open. We both turned our heads towards the door. There they were standing. The warriors. Majestic angels with six wings and only one eye. Belzebub's face turned angry and frowned at their sight, but there was a slight chance of fear in his eyes. He opened a portal to the hell and disappeared even with the chains that were tied around me, leaving me to stumble on the floor.

The warriors quickly ran towards me. "Are you alright?" Said one of the warriors helping me to stand up from the ground. "Elderon look!" Said the other warrior while pointing at my wrists. And I wasn't suprised what I saw. My wrists were covered with black burn marks. Not really pleasing thing to look at. "Oh this isn't good..." Said Elderon. "What are we going to do with her? She can't stay in heaven, she's stained with the devil's chains." My heart sank deep into my chest. I knew what that meant.

"You know that I can hear you right?" I said to the two of them. "O-oh! Our apologies." I just gave them a forseful smile before turning my expression back to sad one. "We're sorry that we didn't came sooner..." Elderon said with pitiful tone. "Don't be... I deserved it..." The warriors looked at me with confusion. "What do you mean..?" The other Warrior asked. "Today at court... I had bad thoughts about humans..." "Oh my.. that explains it then,.. I already have a great solution for this..!" Elderon looked at the other warrior. "Gerander... Your sword please..."

Gerander looked at Elderon with suprised look in his eyes. "Are you sure that this is the will of our Lord..?". "Positive.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2023 ⏰

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