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Three of them depart from Old Town Kopitiam at 9 pm after discuss on prostitution ring proposed by Nadia, both of Khairy and Uti not talking to each other while inside the car but in Khairy mind he's keep thinking anold Lorong Hj. Taib prostitution experience he visited before he knew Uti, Khairy still remember multiple rooms with their dime red light and a row of girls wait for their client at the edge of the door of each room while with their soft voice appealing towards men who came to have sexual intercourse , he knew that most of girl will take more than one man per night since the charge is RM30 per shot and their service won't last more than 20 minutes. So that topic is not discuss anymore by Khairy and Uti, they both concentrated on the brand new song by Kotak, a band from Indonesia being played in the car stereo.

Life is as usual for both couple, Uti seldom received a booking now because after 4 months being an FL, only few booking per weeks being finalized compared to the early month when there is countless of inquiry on booking, maybe this due to everyone in the forum had make a booking to Uti, fortunately Khairy also support of idea of less client because both of them could spend time together doing other things, so she sometimes followed Khairy to the university or if Khairy not with his university activity they will go for hiking together or trekking into waterfall within Klang Valley. Until one night which two days after coffee session, Nadia sent sms Uti to know her answer on the proposal. So Uti said that she will notify Nadia after discussing again with Khairy and she will call Nadia tonight. In Uti mind there is seems a split opinion of Nadia's proposal, on one side she thinks she will take the offer since there is few booking nowadays but on one side she knew that Khairy will think the opposite because he had rejected the offer made to her to be with client to Macao before. But that night after dinner, Uti trying to start a conversation with Khairy and try to discuss pro and contra on that proposal.

Uti: so camna today, penat ke

Khairy: tak sepenat kerja

Uti: tadi kan Nadia ada sms, tanya I camne

Khairy: so u cakap apa

Uti: I kata I nak tanya u dulu

Khairy: so camne

Uti: tanya kita lak, kan kita tanya dia

Khairy: payah I nak bagi pendapat la u

Uti: tadi I ada terfikir booking I pun dah kurang, minggu ni satu je

Khairy: kan AJ dah cakap sekarang ni website diorang ada masalah, so orang tak leh access, so diorang depend dari recommendation yang mana premium je, so sabar la u, nak kote ye?

Uti: ke situ lak, kalau kote u pun ada

Khairy: I bukan apa, macam bahaya lak tu, dah la kat international waters

Uti: I pun ada fikir bahaya, tapi Nadia nampak balik in one piece je

Khairy: tau la, dah 10 kali kan dia buat

Uti: tapi boleh kan si Nadia tu main ngan 12 orang sehari ye

Khairy: la sama la macam kita tengok video blue gang bang tu, kan annable chong tu kan sampai 300 orang sekali main

Uti: tu lain u, dia kan porn actress, I ni bukan tahap tu

Khairy: ai kerja u ni tak macam porn actress, hari tu kan 3 orang senang-senang je u main gilir-gilir

Uti: tak tau la u, cuba u call Nadia, u bagi last insight kat i

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