Third Report

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Khairy moves to Klang at 5 pm, since his friend work at the port and finished his shift on 6 pm. He reached his friend house at 7.30 and his friend still not returned home from work and he just waited outside. After that Khairy received a sms from Uti which not replied by Khairy since it just a notification message from Uti, he hopes that Uti will call him tonight.

Uti: bang baru habis ni, nak rehat ngan mandi jap ye, pastu makan nanti sebelum tidur I call ye

So khairy's friend arrived home at 8 pm along together with the food for both of them. Khairy is not too close with guy, he's only knew him through a project involve by Khairy in Port Klang prior meeting Uti, Khairy just give reason to crash at his place because he got something to do that night. There is special about this friend where his friend also like to acquire FL services until now and he had fucked Uti before under Khairy recommendation at one of the hotel in Shah Alarm but the friend doesn't know that Khairy and Uti have a relationship beyond that. He thinks Khairy is just a handler like other guy in the forum. During their dinner, Khairy just open a story about prostitute who being transport to a ship while docking outside Port Klang, it just to assess his friend on his knowledge on it. He said it's an open secret here but mostly foreign prostitute. He also said Port Klang itself is a red light district and most of sailor when their docking they will find prostitute here. His friend ask Khairy if he want to take a prostitute tonight, but Khairy politely decline as he waiting for the phone call from Uti and it finally arrived at 10.30 pm.

Uti: hello (with tired voice)

Khairy: hi sayang, letih ke

Uti: letih, tapi sedap bang

Khairy: pelik, kenapa pulak letih boleh jadi sedap

Uti: tau tak cecair yang Nadia bagi tadi tu, memang kita rasa nak kena tunjal-tunjal bang, kelentit tegang je bang, sampai tadi saya pinjam vibrator la sambil kena main dengan mat-mat salleh tu

Khairy: mesti climax ni kan

Uti: mesti la bang

Khairy: dah makan ke malam

Uti: dah bang, dia pulak hidang BBQ steak tadi, memang selera la lepas main

Khairy: nak tanya sikit boleh tak

Uti: tanya apa

Khairy: berapa orang tadi

Uti: cuba teka

Khairy: 5 orang, betul tak

Uti: tak teka lagi

Khairy: lebih atau kurang

Uti: lebih bang

Khairy: berapa lebih tu

Uti: 13 orang bang

Khairy: banyak tu, tak jadi apa-apa ke kat cipap u

Uti: ada la rasa nyeri sikit bila habis kesan cecair yang Nadia bagi tu, tapi Nadia dah sapu krim tadi kat cipap, memang lega lepas dia sapu

Khairy: banyak ilmu si Nadia tu kan

Uti: mesti la bang, dia dah lama dah buat ni dari I

Khairy: pakai lingerie la tadi dari pagi

Uti: tak lah bang, lepas 3 orang saya tanggal semua sebab kena air waktu basuh cipap, saya bogel pun bersemangat tengok crew kapal tu

Khairy: diorang kan sangap gila, kat laut kan

Uti: memang, kalau tengok air diorang, pekat, banyak, nyaris diorang cabut kan kondom diorang sendiri, pastu tong sampah tu penuh dengan air mani diorang keluar dari kondom, sampai janitor tadi geleng kepala cuci bilik ni

Khairy: so pukul berapa nak tido ni

Uti: ni dah nak tidur ni, dah pakai masker pun ni, tapi esok ada special request, diorang nak bukkake tapi kitaorang tak decide sapa lagi, sebab esok yang main ngan kitaorang semua crew kapal ni, tadi yang datang crew dua kapal yang lain

Khairy: sapa tu nanti, u ke?

Uti: tak lah, Nadia kata cabut undi, nanti sapa yang kalah kena la jadi mangsa

Khairy: takpe la u tido la, penat tu, esok pagi call I balik, baru fresh

Uti: ok la bang good night

Khairy: night to you too

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