The fall from heaven

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My body felt like a feather. My hair was fast but softly moving back from all the wind. A white flash was all I saw. I looked around me but I was falling too fast to even catch a glimp of the view.

Suddenly I felt my back dropping down on the hard ground. Where am I? Was all I could think, even tho the fall hurted like crazy.

I tried to stand up but...' ow what' I stopped moving for a second ' ow that hurts' I gasped in pain.

'That's okay it happens to the best of us'.

I looked around hearing a voice. Who said that?

'Hey my dear' a man walked down from the garden. 'Don't be scared, I saw this happen a lot to children' he continued 'I'm here to help you'.

I raised my eyebrow ' how long are u standing there already?'

'Oh just now, that sounded like a harsh fall.' He answered.

' yeah' I groaned 'I think my back is broken'.

'Oh dear it's much better than that' he said slowly smiling.

'Better? What do u mean?' I was confused because what could even be good about this fall?

'Look behind you' he said.

I turned my head to my left shoulder slowly seeing a white, beautiful wing. I looked mesmerized at it but also confused. I turned my head to my other shoulder watching the shiny wings made out of white feathers.

'Try to move them' the man said with an excited tone.

I moved the muscles of my back slowly but...' it doesn't work' I sighted.

'Don't worry, you can come with me I will learn you, my sweetie'

"My sweetie?" I thought in myself frowning an eyebrow. 'Hey who are you actually?'

The man didn't look back at me and continued walking.

The fallen angelWhere stories live. Discover now