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Dear Dad, father, papa, veteran, friend, asshole. The man with many names. You have been a huge part of my life. You have had an impact on so many lives. You have lived and seen so much. You are compassionate, silly, kind, patriotic and sarcastic.

  You did not have the easiest upbringing. Yet you survived and thought of others. So many growing up knew they could count on you. The cookie dad, hot dog parent, a ride for any that needed it. You taught me to help anyone who needed it. Even if we did not have it ourselves.

  We would find away to help others. You had your demons and struggles. You were not innocent or perfect. You were present and active. My kids now get your wisdom and influence. We might fight and bicker. However now and forever you are my father one of my biggest supporters.

  I could never doubt your love for me or any of your family blood or extended loved ones. I know we have struggles ahead of us. I will continue to be there for you. I will support you and not give up. Like you have always been there and will always be apart of me. Love you now and forever. Till the end of our time together and in the afterlife.

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