Meet Blue

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Keith was really starting to hate his grandfather. Zarkon had forced him to watch Sendak's army take over the planet Yaltin, killing thousands of Yaltian's. He never liked the thought of taking over planets, why did he have to be the galra prince? Anyone else would have been a better fit.

The hologram of the battle ended and Keith left as fast as he could without causing suspicions.

"What took you so long?"

"You try being a half-galra prince and a traitor then you'll know why." Keith scoffed heading into his room. He shut the door and his appearance changed into his human form.

"I'm still not used to that."

"Well, this is the only time I can do that. If Zarkon found out i'd be dead in no time." Keith said flattening his hair

Shiro grinned. "Well, did you find out where Sendak's ship is heading?" Shiro asked.

"Not yet," Keith said laying a file on his desk. "But I did find this." He said, pushing the file closer to Shiro.

"Voltron?" Shiro read the title of the file out loud. "What's that?" He asked.

"It's the only thing that can defeat Zarkon, once and for all." Keith crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.

"Okay wait, you're the Galran prince, but yet somehow can't figure out where on earth this ship is going, and want us to find a mysterious robot and defeat Zarkon," Shiro asked smugly

"Okay, first of all, we arent on earth, and second, I don't know shit about how to navigate this stupid ship," Keith glared daggers at Shiro, but Shiro laughed causing Keith to get madder.

"Bitch." Keith whispered under his breath. "Hey! I heard that!" Shiro yelled. "Regret teaching me human swear words now?" Keith laughed.

"As a matter of fact, yes!" Shiro was the one crossing his arms this time. Keith smiled and sat down in his chair. "Voltron, here we come."


Everyone in the Garrison should be in their rooms right now, but Lance had dragged Hunk out of their rooms to sneak into town.

Instead, they found themselves following Pidge to the roof.

Pidge had their headphones on and was listening to something. Lance had pulled them off and whispered in their ear. "Having a jam session?" he smiled.

"AHH!" Pidge swatted their hands at Lance. "Oh, it's just you." Pidge calm down a bit. "What are you doing up here?" Hunk asked nervously.

"Im uh," they paused. "Looking at the stars." Pidge smiled up at them suspiciously.

Lance looked over their shoulder at the equipment they were using. "With this?" he pointed. "What even is this stuff?" he asked. "It doesn't look like Garrison tech," Hunk said, reaching out to touch Pidge's laptop.

Pidge turned toward him and slapped his hand away. "Don't touch," they said then looked back at Lance. "That's because I built it." They smiled proudly.

"You built all this?" Hunk asked and reach out to touch the equipment again. "Second warning Hunk!" Pidge smacked his hand harder and glared at him.

"With this thing, I can scan all the way to the edge of the solar system," Pidge said watching Hunk closely before looking back up at Lance. "Really? All the way to Kerberos?" Lance asked smugly. Pidge pouted and looked away from Lance.

(Voltron rewrite)  New BeginingsWhere stories live. Discover now