chapter one

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𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕠𝕟𝕖

being your own kind of grisha can have its benefits, i'll admit. for instance, i don't have to wear the same boring kefta as everyone else; i've been permitted to have green. no one knows the ins and outs of my power, so whenever i figure out a curious quirk, i can keep it to myself. if no one knows the extent of my power, who's to say i can't exaggerate?

but there's also the matter of being different. the daily glances and whispers, the eating alone in my room, the lack of friends or companions, the list goes on and on.

ever since the day i first figured out my power as a young child, i'd shown my mother who immediately sent me off to be tested as grishian, and i'm sure you can assume the rest from there.

but being unique amongst essentially witches can leave one feeling very alone. my time in the little palace has become less of a luxury and more of a burden.

so, for months, i planned out the perfect escape route. that night, about an hour since i'd heard the last sound, my feet hit the ground softly, allowing me to stand. i crept over to my wardrobe, changing out of my nightgown and into the clothes i had bought, tailored, and hidden for the months i'd been planning this night.

it's all coming together, i thought.

zipping up my boots, i walked over to the widow and pulled one of the curtains aside. i looked at the sky, seeing the blackness, before my eyes scanned the courtyard beyond the building, assuring myself there was no one outside, not that i would be able to anyone if there was. it was closer to the next morning than it was to the past night, so most would be asleep. i just had to pray that the midnight sky would be enough to shield me from the insomniacs.

i stepped over to my dresser, grabbing the satchel i had filled with whatever grishian jewels i had gained access to at my time at the little palace. tying the bag's straps to my belt, i went to my bedroom door. i quietly opened it and peaked out my head. once i knew the coast was clear, i walked into the hall and started on my journey.

once reaching the final door, the last thing shielding me from freedom, i faltered. my hand on the handle, my grip weakened slightly as i weighed my possible consequences. however, the reassurance that came from being away from the torture that was this cage gave my hand power to open the door and run through the courtyard and towards the woods that fenced in the little palace.

once i broke through the dense trees, i breathed in the fresh air. this is it, i thought. i'm free.

• ❃ •

"that's not what i asked." said the dark figure before me.

"yes it is." i responded.

"i asked how you got here, not how you woke up in the middle of the night."

"i'm telling you." i said, rolling my eyes, before getting the brilliant idea to add some sass to it. "if you would just let me finish—"

he gripped my chin harshly, the leather of his glove digging into my skin, not only making me be quiet, but causing me to swallow harshly as his sharp face became visible to my eyes. "shut up." he said through gritted teeth.

he let go of my face by throwing it to the right. closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, i turned back to him. he was still just as close as he had been when holding me, but his hands were placed on his knees as he bent over to talk to me as if i were a child.

"now tell me how you got here."

"how can i do that if i'm supposed to shut up?" i asked stubbornly, rolling my eyes as i looked around.

"look at me." he said, the harshness in his voice scaring me. my eyes slowly drew themselves to his face. "good girl." i swallowed thickly as i made eye contact with the man before me. "what's your name?" he asked.

"anastasia." i said immediately, the fear making me more responsive.

he nodded with a soft hum as he stretched his back. "are you going to tell me how you got here?" he asked.

"if you give me the time, yes."

"you're on my schedule. when i ask a question, you answer."


he sighed. "fine. don't. but you have to eat." he bent towards my face again, this time in a temporary position, as he said, "and the animal always obeys the hand that feeds it."

the man turned and disappeared into the darkness beyond the light above me, with only a soft clink accompanying his fading steps being my sense of aloneness. i struggled against the restraints behind my back, but knew it was going to be no use.

my eyes widened as the idea of having to sleep in this stuff sodden chair crept into my mind. fuck, i thought. this is going to be a long night.

906 words
short, ik. but i'm just getting started. also, the star/flower thing is supposed to differentiate between what happened before/how she escaped/how she got there and her being kidnapped. hope u enjoyed!

𝕔𝕣𝕒𝕫𝕪 𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕒𝕝𝕤 𝕘𝕖𝕟𝕚𝕦𝕤  ❃  𝕜𝕒𝕫 𝕓𝕣𝕖𝕜𝕜𝕖𝕣Where stories live. Discover now