Scars Pt. 7

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Eren just cried in Levis chest.

"I'm sorry I didn't stand up for you. I should've. I was scared I was just gonna make it worse. I promise, if I wasn't such a coward, I would've stood up for you. Next time something like this happens, call on me and I'll be there, I promise."

Eren put his hoodie up and layed in Levis lap. For some reason, he found a massive comfort in this specific position. Levi gently pet Erens head as he layed down.

"I'll be here for you, no matter what. Like I said, just call on me and I'll be there." Levi spoke with a deep, yet gentle and comforting tone.

Levis mom came up and saw how they were laying down. She witnessed Levi just petting Erens head and gently stroking his hair. Levi saw her, but kept petting Eren. He didn't exactly care at this point. All he wanted do was just be there for Eren whenever he needed him.

"Levi, I brought a few napkins to help with all the blood. Is he okay?" Her voice was gentle and comforting.

For some reason, these people had very comforting, soft, gentle, and sweet voices that could make you fall asleep in an instant.

"Not too well. He got thrown against a locker, and after that, Jean wouldn't budge to stop punching him. The teachers eventually got him but he wouldn't budge at all. On top of that, you know about his family. Jeans been bullying him for years apparently. I never knew it until that last time you dropped me off early. Eren wasn't with us yet and Jean started to pick a fight."

"The poor thing. He's been through a lot. I'm surprised he's able to stay so strong."

"Actually, he's not. He looks like it, but he's broken down so many time, it's hard to believe. I feel bad. I should've stepped up when I knew he was being bullied. I knew he was being bullied since last year. Not for all the years, but only since last year. I just saw he had friends and thought they helped him."

Eren then spoke, "they're not my friends. Armins my best friend, yeah. But Mikasa is my sister and she's in college. She comes here so she can see what goes on. Jean doesn't do anything while she's here because he knows she's in college and he knows she can actually do something if he bullied me in front of her."

Levi continued to stroke his hair and pet his head. "I wish he would do something so she can see how much of a jerk he is."

"She's supposed to be there tomorrow as an aid for the class. If Jean does anything, she'll see.."

Levi sat Eren up against the headboard and helped him clean the blood. Some of it was dry, but not every drop.

"I'm sorry you have to go through this. It's wrong. No one should ever suffer this much and go through so much pain."

Eren just shrugged as if it was nothing. "What am I supposed to do? I can't fight back. I'm too weak."

Levi held Eren for support so he wouldn't fall while they talked. "You're not weak, Eren, Jeans just a bully. You didn't fight back because you didn't want to make it worse."

"I didn't fight back because I didn't feel like it. When he threw me against the locker, I had no time to recover. That's when he immediately walked over and started punching me and stuff. By the time he threw the third punch, I was too weak to fight back. I didn't feel like it. My body shut down from how tired it was."

"Eren, your body's been tired. The only reason you're able to stand strong right now is because you know you have people that care for you, the fact is you just don't want to admit it because in your mind, you're not the type of person to admit that he cares or loves for someone."

Eren nodded because he knew Levi was right. Levis mom left the room to leave the two alone to talk.

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